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Want to know more about 1.7?

Xavier Borderie

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For those who want to dive into the new major version of PrestaShop, version 1.7, this post will try to summarize the available information so far -- mostly published on the Build devblog, which you should read every week :)


Public releases:

In general, you really should pay a visit to the Build devblog on a regular basis: http://build.prestashop.com/

This is where we update the Community on the latest news from the Dev team!

Quick selection of articles about v1.7:

Articles about the new architecture:

Articles about the Starter Theme:

Articles about the new default theme:

Articles that go beyond the scope of v1.7:

If you have questions or articles ideas (or if you want to write for the Build devblog!), let me know!


Also: we're hiring in Paris (France): http://build.prestashop.com/news/prestacrew-hiring/ !


(cliquez ici pour la version française de cet article)

(local community members: feel free to translate this article in your local forums!)

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Hi Xavier!


When are you planning to release the beta version of 1.7?


Best regards



We're deep into development, so it's hard to tell.

Currently, we expect the first beta to be released before 2016. But a lot of things are still up in the air, so let's just give the usual answer in open source project: "when it's ready" :)

Thank you for your patience!

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Hy. I'm using Prestashop since 1.5. When I activate b2b option, customers are unable to register because of the following errors: SIRET is invalid and APE is invalid. Shop localization is Romania and the equivalent for SIRET and APE in romanian  has different  format. In french APE is 4 digits and a letter, in romanian is 4 digits. Not all countries have the same format for this type of information. Also some customizable fields are necessary. When a company registers on my prestashop website I need additional legal information, so more fields would be welcome. Thank you.


Hello Psxtavi,


This is a thread about PrestaShop 1.7.

Please open another thread on the main forum for your PS 1.5 issues.



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Hello Xavier,

I plan to redo our site on prestashop 1.7 as soon as possible... I plan to use github to synchronise my own dev with the different next releases of prestashop 1.7 (and wait that the version is stable enough to lauch in production).
You said that the first beta relase would be ready before end of 2015, please can you tell me if there will the possibility to pick up this version on the github with the possibility to update manualy our date base lauching the commande in install/upgrade/sql/

I don't know if i'm clear...

Thnks a lot.

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You said that the first beta relase would be ready before end of 2015, please can you tell me if there will the possibility to pick up this version on the github with the possibility to update manualy our date base lauching the commande in install/upgrade/sql/


Note: the first beta might be out before the end of 2015. For now, we're still in full development mode, so it's hard to promise anything :)


You can always keep up to date by upgrading to the GitHub repo, but do not that it might break from one day to another.

In any case, beta versions will be packagaged as usual, and will be available here: https://www.prestashop.com/en/developers-versions


Best regards.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Does PrestaShop 1.7 database will have foreign key(s) in tables?

Does PrestaShop 1.7 will be more friendly with Google Merchant Center like Bigcommerce, Google Trusted Stores Merchant like Magento, Google Content API for Shopping. ?

Does PrestaShop 1.7 will have have more native fields in product details compatible with google product data feed ?

Does PrestaShop 1.7 will remove deprecated code, hook_alias , etc

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The stock update feature of prestashop is really now time consuming. this feature is really need to change.  

I want to suggest some feature for next version of prestashop.

1. ajax edit/ Quick edit of product name , Reference, price, special price, quantity, with out leaving the page, just like on wordpress, Abante cart, Cs Cart.  Demo Pic Here http://pasteboard.co/2CyuDnwq.jpg.

2) fast loading front and back office,

3) ajax search on backup office ( searching what need, with out leaving the page)

4) Product can embed on any pages, (embed codes can be used in any website including static HTML pages.)

5) Newsletter function as core feature( from this admin can send email to customers )
6) Advance affiliate function.

The main requested feature is quick/ajax search and editing feature in back office so that admin( owner of Shop) can edit quantity, price, product name, model/ Reference number easily . Just like >>http://pasteboard.co/2CyuDnwq.jpg

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I would like to know if, for instance on the product template/page,

the combinations are fully loaded with javascript selection, like it has always been in prestashop,

or if it will be at last with ajax loading, in order to soften the javascript burden

when there are many combinations on one single product, as well as make easier

the programmer's work when doing a module based on attributes ?


When there are several attributes' combinations it could easily be a burden on that page!


This is a killer feature in drupal commerce when having products combinations, indeed...

Edited by strapper (see edit history)
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Is it have category based product at homepage option?


Its necessary now a days to all online sellers. Will be great if you add that option to featured products or similar module. So that people can select how much category & from which products should be visible at frontend.



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Perhaps do you mean a pluggable authentication, with a specific hook for instance ?


Also, the same way for the search/layered module so that it could be possible to hook in a search engine

(native search engine, addon module for sphinx, solr, elasticsearch, custom, ...)



Hi, please add this two feature natively on the new core of PrestaShop v 1.7.x.x :


> 1 - Native 2Fa-Two Factor Authentication (Google) + Usb Dongle Authentication (Yubikey)


> 2 - Auto update Maxmind Geolitecity Database


Sincerely, Fabio Perri.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everyone!


I added two links to recent Build articles:

I'll try to answer a few of your questions:


  • Does PrestaShop 1.7 database will have foreign key(s) in tables?
    Not that I know of.
  • I want create a prestashop shop for my company from scratch. May I wait for the 1.7 version or start invest money in extensions and time in the current version?
    We're still in development mode, and hope to release a first beta in the coming weeks. Can't promise anything.
    Version 1.6 is the safe choice currently. It will be maintained and supported for several months once the stable version of PrestaShop 1.7 is released, so that should give you enough time to switch from 1.6 to 1.7 once you think 1.7 is ready for you.
  • Does PrestaShop 1.7 will be more friendly with Google Merchant Center like Bigcommerce, Google Trusted Stores Merchant like Magento, Google Content API for Shopping. ?
    I don't think these are planned evolutions.
  • Does PrestaShop 1.7 will have have more native fields in product details compatible with google product data feed ?
    The product page is being heavily reworked for 1.7, I think the team is aiming for the same features as with 1.6 in this area for now. If you want to help, let us know!
  • Does PrestaShop 1.7 will remove deprecated code, hook_alias , etc
    A lot of deprecated code is being remove, yes. I can't tell you precisely, but you can join the conversation on Gitter: https://gitter.im/PrestaShop/General !
  • I want to suggest some feature for next version of prestashop
    Please do so on the Forge.
  • Any chance you could build product dimensions into the combinations?
    I don't think this is currently planned, but please let us know on the Forge or on Gitter!
  • Is it have category based product at homepage option?
    The front office is being entirely rethought and rebuilt through the Starter Theme and Classic theme projects. I think for now they are aiming at the essential features without impacting the back office, but do let us know about your wish on Gitter: https://gitter.im/PrestaShop/General !
  • [ajax loading on product template/page]
    Ask the Starter Theme guys on Gitter: https://gitter.im/PrestaShop/General :)
  • Do you plan to extend price adjusting functionality on product combinations by adding percentage impact in the future? (default is only by value)
    I don't think this is planned for 1.7.0.
  • Native 2Fa-Two Factor Authentication (Google) + Usb Dongle Authentication (Yubikey) and Auto update Maxmind Geolitecity Database
    I don't think this is planned for 1.7.0.
  • Can I ask why Symphony 2 and not 3?
    In effect, PS 1.7.0 should be able to work with Sf3, but for now we're targetting the current LTS of Symfony. We may target Sf3 in a later version.
  • Merci d'ouvrir aussi un sujet 1.7 en FRANçAIS !
    Nous avons choisi de communique en anglais pour la 1.7, afin de cibler l'international (dont la France). PrestaShop est une société internationale, avec des bureaux à Paris mais aussi à Miami, San Francisco, Madrid, Italie, Allemagne et le Benelux.
    Je vais voir pour proposer une VF de cet article -- mais les articles liés ne seront pas traduits.
  • For Prestashop v1.7, since Symfony2.3 achieved 100% compatibility with HHVM, will this speed improvement be felt also with Prestashop 1.7 ?
    Hopefully so! :) We'll start benchmarking once we reach the beta phase.


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Any reasons (explanation, justification) why new version 1.7 will not have foreign key(s) in tables?

I'm very disappointed. Anybody knows that foreign key constraint means database integrity.

MySQL 5.5 and later use InnoDB by default. It provides the standard ACID-compliant transaction features, along with foreign key support (Declarative Referential Integrity).

Edited by lxhost (see edit history)
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You are right, but honestly, about 90% of all shops would be non-upgradable and all pre-1.7 code and modules would have to be abandoned.

yes, poor shops and poor modules will not work, but this could be a criterion to keep only the best. This will increase the quality. 

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Added a link to the latest Build article:

Now, to answer a few more questions:

  • (...) about 90% of all shops would be non-upgradable and all pre-1.7 code and modules would have to be abandoned
    The themes will certainly need to be rewritten, as the Theme API is completely revamped in 1.7, in order to have a great Theming community rather than too many slight modification of the default 1.6 theme.
    A lot of 1.6 modules will still work in 1.7, most notable those which do not target the theme, the Product page or the Modules page. We've been running some tests on the Addons catalogue, we will soon publish the results on Build. But of course, there will remain modules which won't work as-is.
    Therefore, moving from 1.6 to 1.7 will not be a matter of simply clicking the Upgrade button. That is why we plan on supporting 1.6 for more than 2016 (still being decided).
  • Can someone name 3 new features (or reasons), why a PrestaShop 1.6-owner should invest time and money to upgrade his shop to 1.7?
    Upgrading will not be an easy task (see above), so we would completely understand if a merchant chose to stay with 1.6 for the time being -- at least until all modules are compatible with 1.7.
    For new stores though, 1.7 will be a treat! For merchants: the reworked UI will provide a better daily flow, the Product page has been rethought, and the Modules page as well. For developers: the Starter Theme will make it way easier to create a brand new theme, the widget system, PHP namespaces and other PHP 5.4 niceties (along with perfs), the ability to call the whole Symfony stack for you module's needs, etc.
  • Any reasons (explanation, justification) why new version 1.7 will not have foreign key(s) in tables?
    The scope of 1.7 wasn't to rework the object model, which is still full MyIsam compatibility. There was already a lot of work with the arrival of Symfony, and breaking the legacy code isn't the idea.
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Added a link to the latest Build article:

Now, to answer a few more questions:

  • (...) about 90% of all shops would be non-upgradable and all pre-1.7 code and modules would have to be abandoned

    The themes will certainly need to be rewritten, as the Theme API is completely revamped in 1.7, in order to have a great Theming community rather than too many slight modification of the default 1.6 theme.

    A lot of 1.6 modules will still work in 1.7, most notable those which do not target the theme, the Product page or the Modules page. We've been running some tests on the Addons catalogue, we will soon publish the results on Build. But of course, there will remain modules which won't work as-is.

    Therefore, moving from 1.6 to 1.7 will not be a matter of simply clicking the Upgrade button. That is why we plan on supporting 1.6 for more than 2016 (still being decided).

  • Can someone name 3 new features (or reasons), why a PrestaShop 1.6-owner should invest time and money to upgrade his shop to 1.7?

    Upgrading will not be an easy task (see above), so we would completely understand if a merchant chose to stay with 1.6 for the time being -- at least until all modules are compatible with 1.7.

    For new stores though, 1.7 will be a treat! For merchants: the reworked UI will provide a better daily flow, the Product page has been rethought, and the Modules page as well. For developers: the Starter Theme will make it way easier to create a brand new theme, the widget system, PHP namespaces and other PHP 5.4 niceties (along with perfs), the ability to call the whole Symfony stack for you module's needs, etc.

  • Any reasons (explanation, justification) why new version 1.7 will not have foreign key(s) in tables?

    The scope of 1.7 wasn't to rework the object model, which is still full MyIsam compatibility. There was already a lot of work with the arrival of Symfony, and breaking the legacy code isn't the idea.


100% you must have MyIsam compatibility, but, in my opinion, you should offer a better solution for those who abandoned MyIsam.

MyIsam is a deprecated engine, and PrestaShop have a chance now to add full InnoDB in version 1.7.


take a look at this code:

if (_MYSQL_ENGINE_ == 'InnoDB') {

    Db::getInstance()->execute("ALTER TABLE `"._DB_PREFIX_."orders` ADD CONSTRAINT `"._DB_PREFIX_."orders_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`id_cart`) REFERENCES `"._DB_PREFIX_."cart` (`id_cart`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE");




this query


ALTER TABLE `ps_orders` ADD CONSTRAINT `ps_orders_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`id_cart`) REFERENCES `ps_cart` (`id_cart`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE



will guaranties that you will have in table ps_orders only real id_cart, you will not be able to add some nonexistent id_card.

This will increase the database integrity and security.

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For everyone who asking:

"If PrestaShop will add *here is some feature from module*"?


No, this feature will probably not be available, why? Because it is also business, and there are hundreds of great modules, there are better search modules, modules for buying products with measurements etc. 


1.7 is huge change on front-end, pretty big changes in back-office but those are changes more for UX, Usabillity etc. it doesn't mean that new version = new features, probably 1.7 will have "a few" new features but overall it is simply version to provide better quality catalog managament, and better architecture for theme developers.

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What are system requirements for v1.7?

One of the strongest point for me is that 1.6 version can run at cheap shared hostings with easy installation process (unpack zip and step-by-step installation).


What about system requirements and installation process of 1.7 version? 

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What are system requirements for v1.7?

One of the strongest point for me is that 1.6 version can run at cheap shared hostings with easy installation process (unpack zip and step-by-step installation).


What about system requirements and installation process of 1.7 version? 


I'm afraid that you'll need more than that in the nearest future because for example it will be good to have access to SSH to do some task by developer working on Symfony.



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I'm afraid that you'll need more than that in the nearest future because for example it will be good to have access to SSH to do some task by developer working on Symfony.





That's ok in general. Or even that is great news!


On other hand there are some promising e-commerce solutions based on Symfony already.

And PrestaShop now enter their market.

Symfony is now everywhere.

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Further questions? Further answers, yay!


  • 100% you must have MyIsam compatibility, but, in my opinion, you should offer a better solution for those who abandoned MyIsam. MyIsam is a deprecated engine, and PrestaShop have a chance now to add full InnoDB in version 1.7.
    In an ideal world with enough manpower to dive into all the subprojects we want and where we don't have to worry with legacy code, yes, I'm sure we'd do that. But pragmatically, it's not going to happen in 1.7.
  • What are system requirements for v1.7?
    Nothing is set in stone yet (and we won't have proper benchmarks before the first beta version), but as Krystian said, you can bet it will at least be the same as for Symfony 2.8. Also, we announced that PrestaShop was moving to PHP 5.4. As for server configuration, well, let's just say "the more the better" for now, but in any case, it will most probably be higher than for 1.6.
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I have a problem with ps 1.7 installation from github.


Step I did

1. downloaded dev zip from github

2. when I access to site i have info about composer

3. so i dit

composer install
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install

then i have installer visible but i can not proceed due 

  • Not all files were successfully uploaded on your server"
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@Xavier Borderie


In the old version of Prestashop it was so easy for any beginner to install the Prestashop version. just download and install. What i saw that in 1.7 it need to do some extra work. Before install. install composer. and other things, Which is little bit complicated for new user to install windows  PC. But it is easy to install composer and other things in mac.


If there is any special guide for new user that will be good for them.

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Hey there, good people!


I got a few more answers for you :)

  • Can you tell us when the PrestaShop 1.7 beta is ready?
    Not yet. We hope to have it out verrrrry soon, but I cannot give a precise date. "When it's ready" is the most common answer in Open Source projects :)
  • Any plans to add some mails template system in 1.7?
    Not at this time. Maybe in a later version.
  • is anywhere available prestashop 1.7 version for download?
    The development code is available here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/tree/develop
    To install, read the instructions here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/develop/README.md
  • In the old version of Prestashop it was so easy for any beginner to install the Prestashop version. just download and install. What i saw that in 1.7 it need to do some extra work.
    This is only while we're developing it -- and while developers are testing it and contributing to it. The stable version will be packaged in such a way that any user will be able to just upload and install, just like they did with previous versions.


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Added two recent Build articles to the list in the first post of this discussion:

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Hello Xavier!


I like new default theme features and its general approach!


By the way, what about tutorials and documentation specific for 1.7 version?



With best wishes,



P.S. I forget to ask about blog features previously. Any plans to have it natively?

Edited by Mixa_RU (see edit history)
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Added one article:



About your questions, Mixa_RU:

  • Documentation will be worked on once feature are fully ready and stable enough -- probably during the beta phase, then.
  • There is no plan to have a native blog feature. I'm tempted to say that, on the contrary, since 1.7 is way for us to focus on business features (managing a cart, handling orders, calculating prices and taxes, generating invoices, etc.), there is less chance to see a native blog feature happen. Either use a module, or use a dedicated tool, such as WordPress.
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  • 2 weeks later...


Those installation instructions are for a Linux environment. They are not very useful for a Windows environment. 


Can you provide Windows instructions too?

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Those installation instructions are for a Linux environment. They are not very useful for a Windows environment. 


Can you provide Windows instructions too?


It works for Windows too, install localhost(xampp for example), then install composer https://getcomposer.org/ and then run in cmd

composer install

In past i had an error about bash command from linux, so installation failed, So instead of cmd you can use some linux terminal for Windows Cygwin https://www.cygwin.com/

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If we want to keep this thread serious... I think that if they want to use php 5.4, they have no intention to modernize prestashop codebase. I'm writing this at march 10 on a nov 3 post but... We need a prestashop based on php 7.x. 

Prestashop is slow by nature and we need this upgrade.



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I've told this to the development team before and I'm not the only one thinking that PHP 5.4 isn't a good choice.

PHP 5.4 has reached end of life on 3 September 2015.

Installing a LAMP stack on Ubuntu 14.04 comes with PHP 5.5.9 and on Debian 8 with 5.6.9. As a developer, to ensure that my code runs well with PrestaShop I will have to find a way to downgrade the PHP version or use an older linux distribution.

PHP 5.5 would have been a good choice if the presta team doesn't feel so bold yet for 5.6.

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Today, my module was declined by addons.prestashop.com because: "Your module will crash on PHP 5 < 5.5"

Now, I should spend time to install on my server a old version of php, that php.net do not support long time ago.

from my point of view, this is a very stupid situation.

my question is, if php.net do not support php 5.4 why prestashop support 5.4

I'm very disappointed in your attitude.


php.net always support 3 versions, now are 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, and all respectable companies go in step with php developers


does prestashop support php 7?

another question: what is

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It's sightly faster, specially if you have a good hosting with latest CPanel and well configured.

We have some prestashop installed in a VPS for each one and they are slow as ****. By the other way, the epic fail of almost all 1.5.x versions and the 1click upgrade errors from 1.4.x, 1.5.x, and 1.6.x to 1.6.x latest versions seems incredible, even unabling all modules and deleting cache...


I need to find another way to create an online shop, or find an explicit config where ps run well in harmony (if there is some)...


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  • 2 weeks later...

If they want to support php 5.4 that's fine with me, however going to the time and effort to put out a major upgrade and not supporting php 7 is just ridicules. At the very least i think we deserve to know what future version will fully support php 7

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If they want to support php 5.4 that's fine with me, however going to the time and effort to put out a major upgrade and not supporting php 7 is just ridicules. At the very least i think we deserve to know what future version will fully support php 7


Both Prestashop and 1.7.0.x work fine already using PHP 7.


This was mentioned as one of the main reasons behind the release, and of course will not be removed for 1.7.0.x.

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Both Prestashop and 1.7.0.x work fine already using PHP 7.


This was mentioned as one of the main reasons behind the release, and of course will not be removed for 1.7.0.x.

Yes it should run fine in a php 7 environment, but has it been specifically optimized for php 7? Joomla 3.4 ran fine with php 7 however joomla 3.5 was specifically set up to take full advantage of php 7. The speed increase was dramatic.

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The first public test version was released yesterday! Test PrestaShop alpha 3 now!

The 1.7 Project FAQ has been updated too!


Now, for your latest questions:

  • Please dont forget some important seo improvement.
    Please check out the new default theme, bundled with PS 1.7 alpha 3! If you see something that could be improved, do not hesitate to suggest it with a pull request on Github!
  • can I know if there will be seo differences ?
    The default themes for 1.6 and 1.7 are completely different, so yeah, I'm pretty sure there are SEO differences baked in :) Now, the Theme team had done its best to use current best practices -- but won't go as far as full-fledged SEO option, which are module territory. It's also up to the theme creator to work on its theme's SEO capabilities: the 1.7 default theme is a solid theme, but not a theme that does everything under the sun.
  • Please care about the social login.
    I do not think this is planned for Core.
  • Could a shipping countdown be added as standard similar to this
    Including this module feature in Core is not planned, as far as I know.
  • We need a prestashop based on php 7.x.
    does prestashop support php 7?
    going to the time and effort to put out a major upgrade and not supporting php 7 is just ridicules

    Several key parts of version have been updated to work with PHP 7.0.
  • PHP 5.4 isn't a good choice.
    We recommend the use of PHP 5.6+, for obvious security and performance reasons. PrestaShop 1.7 will also work with PHP 5.4, just as WordPress does for work with PHP 5.2.
  • "Your module will crash on PHP 5 < 5.5"
    A majority of PrestaShop installations are made on cheap shared hosts, which are mostly still relying on PHP 5.4. We cannot abandon these users.
  • Will be Prestashop 100% symfony? And obviosly Symfony 3, not 2
    That's the idea: upgrade the code base to use modern Symfony framework instead of the old custom architecture. We are currently working with Sf 2.8, and I'm sure eventually we'll move to Sf 3, once it is stable enough.
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Thank you for the update Xiavier! Any news on an upgrade path to 1.7?


As the FAQ says, upgrading from 1.6 to 1.7 can be done, but it won't be easy, if only because the theme system was completely rewritten.


So, in short, if you want to upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7, you will have to:

  • Have the theme rewritten.
  • Have the modules updated (the vast majority will work as-is, with only a need to adapt the CSS code. Use the UI Kit!)
  • Test your overrides thoroughly.

Hence, we tend to advise NOT to upgrade directly from 1.7 to 1.6. We advise to keep 1.7 for new stores, and upgrade the 1.6-1.5-1.4-etc. stores to the latest version of 1.6 (currently, because the 1.6 version of PrestaShop will be supported (with bugfixes) for several months once the stable version of 1.7 is out.

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I'm waiting to moove an active prestashop with 20k/week users, but i have to make a clean install (because one click upgrade from 1.5.4 to 1.6.0 was catastrofic) and i prefere to wait till 1.7.x version to make all that creepy job. 

Do you know, more or less, when will a stable tested version avaible to download?


It will be fine if a second stable version appears at may :P (first one is always a lottery lol)


Thanks. =)

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