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Error after Duplicate

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I have duplicated eshop to new domain, front end looks good, but when i try to log in to administration, i get this error:


Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler: Syntax error in template ".../web/dreambig/themes/default/template/header.tpl" on line 47 "{/if}" unknown tag "ifclose" <-- thrown in /.../web/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 47


When I delete the {/if} and another else, I see administration without CSS.


Can somebody help me with this issue? Thanks

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{if isset($displayBackOfficeTop)}{$displayBackOfficeTop}{/if}


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{hook h='displayAdminAfterHeader'}



{* end display_header*}



<body{if isset($lite_display) && $lite_display} class="ps_back-office display-modal"{/if}>

<div id="main">

<div id="content" class="{if !$bootstrap}nobootstrap{else}bootstrap{/if}">



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Hi hop2286,


I think you're problem is not regarding cache.


It seems you're header.tpl has been modified (too much) or has been corrupted during installation.


As you can see here : https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/1.6.1.x/admin-dev/themes/default/template/header.tpl

Some lines are missing (~157 lines have been deleted)


I suggest you do a new clean install if you can, or copy and paste the entire file in /adminxx/themes/default/template/header.tpl

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