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Installing PrestaShop and Preserving SEO - Order of Operations?

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So now my plan is to:

  1. Delete old website completely
  2. Install PrestaShop to the root domain ( tpjenterprises.com )
  3. Import all categories the same as before using the same ids
  4. Import all Products the same as before using the same ids
  5. Add a 417 (number of products) 301 redirects to the .HtAccess file using this tool ( https://websiteadvantage.com.au/HtAccess-301-Redirect-Generator )

I believe this will work because the old URLs will be completely different in structure than the new URLs.


Now, if any of the experts in this audience can assist me with some constructive feedback on this method, I would be delighted to hear what I could do different or better or easier etc...


Thank You for Being You,


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