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Warning on line 1595 classes/controller/AdminController.php


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Help Me..!! I have Problem with this bug, I need help to solve this problem.



Warning on line 1595 in file /home/classes/controller/AdminController.php
[2] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/public_html/nusadebali/modules/forcecurrency/en.php:13)







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thanks for reply
sorry, file what you want? and I'm really confused because this is my first time using prestashop. and so I click payment in BO and appeared bug problem.
I use paypal and bank wire modul.
Warning on line 1595 in file /home/classes/controller/AdminController.php
[2] Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/public_html/nusadebali/modules/forcecurrency/en.php:13)
so the file what should I show you
and thanks again tuk66
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Sorry my mistake. is it this files u asked?



 *  Prestashop (http://prestashop.com)

 *    Force Currency Module - Allows your store to manage

 *  	inventory in one currency, and sell in another.

 * 		For example your default currency is Euros, but you

 * 		want to sell your products to the USA, in Dollars.

 * 		So add US Dollars as a currency to your shop, then install

 * 		this module and configure US Dollars as the forced currency.

 *    Even if you have the Currency Block module installed, you will

 *    not be able to select another currency.


 *    Limitations: Obvously you can only use one default shop currency

 *    and one forced currency. If you have other currencies installed

 *    they will not be able to be used.

 *    On the first page load, you may notice a page refresh. This is the

 *    only way I could manage to refresh the currency cookie and reload

 *    the currencies. If anyone has a better solution please feel free to

 *    update this code. Likewise, you will see a refresh after configuring

 *    the module. If there is a better solution - please contribute.


 *    IMPORTANT: After installing the module, for best performance, you

 *    must use the Module "Positions" sub-tab and move this module to the

 *    very first position in the "Top of pages" block.



 *  I built this module for my own business use, and am freely sharing it.

 * 	This module however is totally unsupported! Do not expect me to answer

 * 	any questions by email or in the Prestashop forum. I don't have time.

 *  If I make any updates to this code, I will post them, but that's it.

 *  Sorry.


 * 	December 2008 - S.F.



class ForceCurrency extends Module


	function __construct()


		$this->name = 'forcecurrency';

		$this->tab = 'Blocks';

		$this->version = 0.1;

		$config = Configuration::getMultiple(array('FORCE_CURRENCY_ID'));

		if (isset($config['FORCE_CURRENCY_ID']))

			$this->fcid = $config['FORCE_CURRENCY_ID'];

		parent::__construct(); /* The parent construct is required for translations */

		$this->page = basename(__FILE__, '.php');

		$this->displayName = $this->l('Force Currency');

		$this->description = $this->l('Forces the customer currency');

		$this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to delete your details?');

		if (!isset($this->fcid))

			$this->warning = $this->l('A currency must be selected in order to use this module correctly');


	function install()


		if (!parent::install())

			return false;

		if (!$this->registerHook('top'))

			return false;

		return true;


	public function uninstall()


		if (!Configuration::deleteByName('FORCE_CURRENCY_ID')

				OR !parent::uninstall())

			return false;


	private function _postProcess()


		if (isset($_POST['btnSubmit']))


			Configuration::updateValue('FORCE_CURRENCY_ID', $_POST['fcid']);

			$cookie->id_currency = intval($_POST['fcid']);


		$refreshme = intval($_POST['refreshme']);

		if ($refreshme == 1) {

			$this->_html =

			'<form id="refreshme" action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" method="post">

			  <input type="hidden" name="refreshme" value="0">


			<script type="text/javascript">





		$this->_html .= '<div class="conf confirm"><img src="../img/admin/ok.gif" alt="'.$this->l('ok').'" /> '.$this->l('Settings updated').'</div>';


	private function _displayForceCurrency()


		$this->_html .= '<b>'.$this->l('This module allows you to force your customers to have only one currency option.').'<br /><br />

		'.$this->l('This is useful if you price your products in a different currency than you sell them. You must have at least two currencies enabled to make this module work properly.').'<br /><br /><br />';


	private function _displayForm()


		$currencies_string = '';

		$currencies = Currency::getCurrencies();

		foreach ($currencies as $currency)


			$currencies_string .= '<label style="float:none; "><input type="radio" value="'.$currency['id_currency'].'" name="fcid"';

			if ($this->fcid == $currency['id_currency'])

				$currencies_string .= ' checked="checked"';

			$currencies_string .= '/> <span style="font-weight:bold;">'.$currency['name'].'</span> ('.$currency['sign'].')</label><br />';


		$currencies_string .= '<label style="float:none; "><input type="radio" value="0" name="fcid"';

		if ($this->fcid == 0)

			$currencies_string .= ' checked="checked"';

		$currencies_string .= '/> <span style="font-weight:bold;">Not forced</label><br />';

		$this->_html .=

		'<form action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" method="post">

		  <input type="hidden" name="refreshme" value="1">


			<legend><img src="../img/admin/contact.gif" />'.$this->l('Details').'</legend>

				<table border="0" width="500" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="form">

					<tr><td colspan="2">'.$this->l('Please specify the currency you want to your customers to use').'.<br /><br /></td></tr>

					<tr><td width="60" style="height: 35px;">'.$this->l('Currency').'</td><td>'.$currencies_string.'</td></tr>

					<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input class="button" name="btnSubmit" value="'.$this->l('Update settings').'" type="submit" /></td></tr>





	public function getContent()


		$this->_html = '<h2>'.$this->displayName.'</h2>';

		if (!empty($_POST))



			$this->_html .= '<br />';



		return $this->_html;


	function hookTop($params)


		$currencies = Currency::getCurrencies();

		if (!sizeof($currencies))

			return '';

		$forcedCurrencyID = $this->forceCurrency(Configuration::get('FORCE_CURRENCY_ID'));

		if ($forcedCurrencyID)


			$returnHTML ='<form id="forceCurrency" action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="id_currency" value="'.$forcedCurrencyID.'"/>


<script type="text/javascript">



			return $returnHTML;


			return '';


	private function forceCurrency($ForcedCurrencyId)


		global $cookie;

		if ($cookie->id_currency != intval($ForcedCurrencyId)) 


			$currency = new Currency(intval($ForcedCurrencyId));

			if (is_object($currency) AND $currency->id AND !$currency->deleted)

				$cookie->id_currency = intval($currency->id);

			if ($cookie->id_currency)


				$currency = new Currency(intval($currency->id));

				if (is_object($currency) AND $currency->id AND intval($currency->deleted) != 1)

					return $ForcedCurrencyId;


			/* if it fails to force the currency for some reason, then do reset to default and do nothing */

			$currency = new Currency(intval(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT')));

			if (is_object($currency) AND $currency->id)

				$cookie->id_currency = intval($currency->id);

			return 0;


			return 0;




Thanks for reply.

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