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Product search (indexing) problem in a multistore setup

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Hi All,


I have seen  several topics about this issue - haven't found a solution though...


I am running a web-shop which originally was created on 1.5 PS, upgraded to 1.6.x a year ago and a multistore was launched just a couple months ago.


What I just noticed that when using onsite search the original shop is delivering all products that match criteria and the one which is a secondary one gives either few or nothing at all.


When switching to a secondary shop in BO and rebuilding an entire index results in 'no search results" in both of the shops.


When switching to 'All shops' in BO and rebuilding the index the primary - gives all what's requested and a secondary - again, just part of it or nothing.


It should not have anything to do with how recently the products were put into the shops as I have noticed entire issue by searching for a recently uploaded stuff.


I tried to search for "ENERGY" - a product line which was added recently and at the same time, but both shops deliver different results.


Please have a look:

1. Primary - https://norwayshop.com/en/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=energy&submit_search=


2. Secondary - https://norwayshop.no/en/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=energy&submit_search=


Can you please help to get a clue what is wrong?


Thank you!


P.S. Again - rebuilding/adding an index - doesn't help


PS version -




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