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Cannot hide left column on custom controller

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I tried making a simple test controller and a simple template file. It seems to work just fine, and i can see the page, but the left column seems to stick around no matter what i do. It shows up on the adv. settings under theme configuration (the preinstalled theme), and i can change the settings for whether or now it should be visible, but even if i disable it here, it still shows up.


I searched around, and someone suggested adding the new controller to an exception list for each module under displayleftcolumn (via positions). I tried that on one of the blocks, and that worked just fine. But is there an easier way than editing all of the modules to make an exception? Is there something i am doing wrong?


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I did not. Added that, and now it works - thanks!


Additional question. If i look in FrontController.php, i can see that display_column_left is set to true when declared, and further down set according to

		if (isset($this->php_self)  && is_object(Context::getContext()->theme))
			$colums = Context::getContext()->theme->hasColumns($this->php_self);
			// don't use theme tables if not configurated in DB
			if ($colums)
				$this->display_column_left = $colums['left_column'];
				$this->display_column_right = $colums['right_column'];

Does it need to be defined somewhere before i can use the theme configurator to hide/show columns? Anyways, your answer solved my problem, so thank you again.


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