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[gelöst] EU Legal nach Reset nicht mehr installierbar

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Es gibt Tage da sollte man im Bett bleiben. ich habe versucht EU Legal zu resetten. Jetzt habe ich folgende Fehlermeldungen ( Installation scheitert )


Folgende Module konnten nicht vollständig installiert werden:

  • eu_legal : 
        The method getTaxesRate in the class Carrier is already overriden.
        The method getProducts in the class Cart is already overriden.
        The method getProducts in the class Category is already overriden.
        The method getContentFromId in the class CMS is already overriden.
        The method Send in the class Mail is already overriden.
        The method getProducts in the class Manufacturer is already overriden.
        The method getModulesOnDisk in the class Module is already overriden.
        The method saveTaxCalculator in the class OrderDetail is already overriden.
        The method __construct in the class Order is already overriden.
        The method validateOrder in the class PaymentModule is already overriden.
        The method getTaxTabContent in the class HTMLTemplateInvoice is already overriden.
        The method getTaxTabContent in the class HTMLTemplateOrderSlip is already overriden.
        The method __construct in the class Product is already overriden.
        The method getBestSales in the class ProductSale is already overriden.
        The method getProducts in the class Supplier is already overriden.
        The method getTaxData in the class TaxCalculator is already overriden.
        The method initFormInformations in the class AdminProductsController is already overriden.
        The method sendConfirmationMail in the class AuthController is already overriden.
        The method initContent in the class OrderController is already overriden.
        The method initContent in the class OrderDetailController is already overriden.
        The method init in the class OrderOpcController is already overriden.
        The method __construct in the class ParentOrderController is already overriden.
        The method initContent in the class ProductController is already overriden.




Edited by extrem-fashion (see edit history)
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mach ne datensicherung des ordners override

ersetze mal den override ordner durch den override aus dem installations-paket


vorsicht : dadurch werden auch die anderen möglichen overrides  gelöscht, es könnte also andere dinge auch nicht mehr laufen

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