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Prestashop Git Workflow

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Hey there,

I am fairly new to Prestashop and having trouble figuring out a good development workflow. With my other projects I use git for version control, develop locally in a virtual machine, push to a staging server for testing, and then push the the production server for deployment. I usually use composer for dependency management so I .gitiignore the vendor directories and cache folders.

I've successfully installed prestashop in the production environment, but am having trouble getting a functional copy into my development environment. The first issue I ran into was with the .gitignore, I tried using one i found on github (https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Prestashop.gitignore) but it ignores the cache folder and then I get an error that the 'Cache' class cannot be found. So I've un-ignored the cache folder and pulled down into my development environment. But now the front end redirects to my prod URL, and the backend doesn't load resources (css/js/etc) because it's trying to use production URLs I think.


Is there a resource that explains a git workflow for setting up a development environment for Prestashop and then pushing to production? Does anyone have a working .gitignore they're willing to share?


Appreciate any input.



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Figured this out, needed to update the 'ps_shop_url' table in my database. Still confused on the .gitingore, so currently the only files I am ignoring are:


if anyone has input on the gitingore please let me know.
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