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Adjusting position of left column

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I'm trying to edit the default theme to give a grey background at the sides of the screen while keeping the page colour of the actual website white. I've edited the global.css file to do this but the problem is now that the left hand column is bumped right up against the left hand edge of the page. Just to make it look right I need to have a margin of 10 px or so (the same as the right hand side). I've added a pic to show what I mean. Obviouslythe spacing between the columns needs to be the same.
How do I do it?



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Hi Staple.
Could I just increase the width of the whole page by say 10 px and then add a 10 px margin at the left hand side to save messing with the other columns? I'm very much a novice with css. I'm afraid I've not heard of firebug. I do have the webdeveloper add on for Firefox. Is it similar to that? To be honest I was sort of hoping there would be someone who had done this and could just tell me which lines of code to edit but failing that I'll try and figure out the css and experiment a little.


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