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[SOLVED] Additional parent categories

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At the moment the structure I find is:
HOME seems to be the only (parent) category
If I try to create a new category it actually is a sub-category.
Could anyone assist? I have looked round the forum for previous answer but do not seem to find anything
Thanks in advance


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Thanks for getting back to me.
I guess what I am after is one additional level

CATEGORY: woollen
Subcategory1: Men Subcategory 2 Ladies
sub sub category1: V neck - sub sub category2: Turtle neck

at the moment I can do

One level missing.

Hope this is clear

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I can't see any problem with doing this. Just create a subcategory with name "Woolen" with parent "Home", another with name "Men" and parent "Woolen", another with name "Ladies" and parent "Woolen", another with name "V neck" and parent "Men" and another with name "Turtle neck" and parent "Men". You can have as many levels as you want.

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EDIT: didn't see rocky's post, this is same.

--------V neck
--------Turtle neck
--------V neck
--------Turtle neck

Is this what you want.

First create category "Woolen" with Parent category "Home".
Than you need to create categories "Man" and "Ladies" with Parent category "Woolen".
Then create categories "V neck" and "Turtle neck" with Parent category "Man".
And create categories "V neck" and "Turtle neck" with Parent category "Ladies".

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Many thanks. I did not realise I could "parent" subcategories....
of course it makes sense!
Having spent 75 years of my life without the internet I decided it was time to take the jump 3 years ago.... I love it but it can be hard to get to grip with.
Just started this idea of website charity swap... but I might have taken on more than I can chew... so thanks for your help!
When it is all up and ready I'll put up the link for comments

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