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Prestashop Cloud not letting me add Modules



Would you be able to give me some advice? Every time i try to download a module for prestashop cloud i am getting an error has occured message. (please see attached) Is there anyway to fix this?


Also i am going to be looking into downloading and putting this on my own host for more flexibility. Or maybe some actual function thorough this service. IS there a program i can use to buld the site on my local PC rather than on the hosting? just to see if this would work out?


Also what are some Pros and Cons of these options? Are there better options out there?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you


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3 answers to this question

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Modules for Prestashop Cloud, you should add through your back-office, tab modules. How are you trying to add the modules from Addons to your Cloud Account ?


For to bulid-up a site locally you can use XAMPP. BUT you cannot move the site to Prestashop Cloud, as you don't have access to database and only to a restricted part of FTP on Prestashop Cloud.

In this cas it is better to search for a paid providing package at any hoster of your choice.


Pros and Cons Prestshop Cloud you will find here in the forum:



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For adding the Modules i am going to the marketplace and trying to add them or download them to the back office. For some reason when i press download that error message pops upand will not let me.


For this i am going to be looking into ceating another site as well as hosting it on my own. Not sure what the problem is currently but i would like to have this fixed.


And one last thing. Is there a way to update prestashop cloud version to prestashop latest version of cloud?


Thank you for the help! 

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