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Adding custom discount on each customer


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Hello everyone,

i'm a newbie on prestashop development, i want to make a different discount on each customer by adding discount codes for each customer, so each customer have their own discount codes and also i put discount code for each products, and every discount code on customer has its own discount value. For Example:


There are discount Code A,B, and C


on Customer Agung has discount value like:

A => 10%

B => 5%

C => 1%


but on Customer Robby has discount value like :

A => 3%

B => 2%

C => 5%


and on each product we have a discount code too but the value of the discount calculated from Customer discount

for example :
the product Bike have discount code A

the product Car have discount code C


when customer Robby want to purchase a Car they get discount 5%©, but when Agung purchase the same product (Car) he only got 1%© based on it's discount code values...



should modify the discount class? but which part should i changes?
or by creating a module and use a hook, but i didn't know which hook should i use...

please help me, i have no idea to create one like that...


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