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Using the Extra Carrier Hook


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I have a carrier which uses the extracarrier hook and it worked very well in previous versions of PS (< 1.5).

Once an extra carrier does not create a delivery option and / or does not need ranges, this carrier or do not appear on the list of carriers or it is not processed in orders creation:


So, the problems are:


1. If there is no regular carrier that needs ranges, the extra carrier do not appear in the carriers list.
2. If the extra  carrier use ranges, it will appear twice, as extra and no extra carrier.
3. If the extra carrier creates a delivery option, it will appear twice, as extra and no extra carrier.

3. The hook extra carrier only is called if a delivery option is set.


I managed to make it work replacing some functions of the cart class and Carrier class:


-  getDeliveryOptionList;
-  getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers;
-  getDeliveryOption;
-  getIdCarrierFromDeliveryOption;
-  getPackageList;
-  getPackageShippingCost;
-  getCarriersForOrder and
-  getAvailableCarrierList;


I wonder if there is a simpler way to make a carrier in extra hook carrier be processed without having to override all of these functions ..

Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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