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Hromadne zvyseni cen, prosim pomoc


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rád bych poradil ,ale taky to neni z moji hlavy ja pouzivam na zmenu >Z< >NA<

update ps_product set price=299 where id_product in (select id_product from ps_category_product where id_category=5) and price=305;

to me nastavi pouze v kategorii ID 5 cenu z 305 na 299

ale pozor, v databazi je cena bez DPH, takze pokud ma byt 299 s dph tak musis takhle

update ps_product set price=(299/1.2) where id_product in (select id_product from ps_category_product where id_category=5) and round(price*1.2)=305;

ted jen zkusim tvuj problem:
update ps_product set price*1.2

coz by melo zvednou cenu o 20%
Ale nerucim za to vyzkousej si to na localu.

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