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Moduł wielokrotność produktu w zamówieniu


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poszukuje modułu lub osoby która takowy napisze


1 typ: opakowanie , które są pakowane po xx szt. opakowanie będzie
traktowana jako 1szt.
 dla wybranych produktów ( opakowań) można ustwaić bedzie że dodawanie do
koszyka to będzie wielokrotność
wielokrotność 2 czyli 4, 6, 8 itd
wielokrotność 5 czyli 5, 10, 15 itd
wielokrotność 6 czyli 6, 12, 18 itd

lub określenie minimalnej ilości i dopiero wtedy wielokrotność (
najbardziej pożądana opcja) żeby nie było ze
minimalna ilość jest przykładowo 6 a klient zamawia 7 szt
- w tym wypadku kliknięcie plusika musi zwiększyć  ilość na 12 

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mozesz przyblokwoac edycje pola tekstowego 'quantity' a w skrypcie JS dla +/- przypisac nie +1 tylko +$minimal_quantity i wtedy przy ustalonej minialnej ilsoci bedzie liczyc wielokrotnosci

W którym pliku js to zrobić ?

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./themes/twoja_skorka/js/product.js no chyba, ze twoja skorka ma w innym miejscu umiejscowione skryptowanie przyciskow +/-


dzięki za odp. ale nie mam w tym pliku +1 wersja presty ale pewnie chodzi o ten fragment kodu:


 // The button to increment the product value
    $(document).on('click', '.product_quantity_up', function(e){
        fieldName = $(this).data('field-qty');
        var currentVal = parseInt($('input[name=+fieldName+]').val());
if (quantityAvailable > 0)
quantityAvailableT = quantityAvailable;
quantityAvailableT = 100000000;
        if (!isNaN(currentVal) && currentVal < quantityAvailableT)
            $('input[name=+fieldName+]').val(currentVal + 1).trigger('keyup');
// The button to decrement the product value
    $(document).on('click', '.product_quantity_down', function(e){
        fieldName = $(this).data('field-qty');
        var currentVal = parseInt($('input[name=+fieldName+]').val());
        if (!isNaN(currentVal) && currentVal > 1)
            $('input[name=+fieldName+]').val(currentVal - 1).trigger('keyup');
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  • 2 weeks later...

zrobiłem jak pisałeś ale wiesz mam taki moduł do zamawiania dziesiętnego i prawdopodobnie w nim trzeba coś zrobić ale tam też zmieniłem na minqty i $minimal_quantity i też nie działa całkowicie przycisk + .... poniżej kod tego pliku... może jeszcze coś trzeba zmienić ale nie wiem gdzie



* Product Properties Extension
* @author    PS&More www.psandmore.com <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2011-2015 PS&More
* @license   http://psandmore.com/licenses/sla Software License Agreement
* Do not modify this file. If you need to make changes, copy this file to
* themes/your_theme/js/modules/pproperties/js/pp_theme_product.js
* and modify the copy
* OR (recommended)
* create file themes/your_theme/js/modules/pproperties/js/pp_theme_custom.js
* and add your changes there.
// search the combinations' case of attributes and update displaying of availability, prices, ecotax, and image
function findCombination(firstTime)
$('#quantity_wanted').pp_val(pp.formatQty(ppProductProperties['defaultQty']), false);
//create a temporary 'choice' array containing the choices of the customer
var choice = [];
var radio_inputs = parseInt($('#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]').length);
if (radio_inputs)
radio_inputs = '#attributes .checked > input[type=radio]';
radio_inputs = '#attributes input[type=radio]:checked';
$('#attributes select, #attributes input[type=hidden], ' + radio_inputs).each(function(){
if (typeof combinations == 'undefined' || !combinations)
combinations = [];
//testing every combination to find the conbination's attributes' case of the user
for (var combination = 0; combination < combinations.length; ++combination)
//verify if this combinaison is the same that the user's choice
var combinationMatchForm = true;
$.each(combinations[combination]['idsAttributes'], function(key, value)
if (!in_array(parseInt(value), choice))
combinationMatchForm = false;
if (combinationMatchForm)
if (ppProductProperties['pp_qty_policy'] == 2 || combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity'] > 1)
var minQty = combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity'];
if (pp.parseFloat($('#quantity_wanted').val()) < minQty) {
$('#quantity_wanted').pp_val(pp.formatQty(minQty), false);
//$('#quantity_wanted').bind('keyup', function() {checkMinimalQuantity(combinations[combination]['minimal_quantity']);});
//combination of the user has been found in our specifications of combinations (created in back office)
selectedCombination['unavailable'] = false;
selectedCombination['reference'] = combinations[combination]['reference'];
//get the data of product with these attributes
quantityAvailable = combinations[combination]['quantity'];
selectedCombination['price'] = combinations[combination]['price'];
selectedCombination['unit_price'] = combinations[combination]['unit_price'];
selectedCombination['specific_price'] = combinations[combination]['specific_price'];
if (combinations[combination]['ecotax'])
selectedCombination['ecotax'] = combinations[combination]['ecotax'];
selectedCombination['ecotax'] = default_eco_tax;
//show the large image in relation to the selected combination
if (combinations[combination]['image'] && combinations[combination]['image'] != -1)
displayImage( $('#thumb_'+combinations[combination]['image']).parent() );
//show discounts values according to the selected combination
if (combinations[combination]['idCombination'] && combinations[combination]['idCombination'] > 0)
//get available_date for combination product
selectedCombination['available_date'] = combinations[combination]['available_date'];
//update the display
if(typeof(firstTime) != 'undefined' && firstTime)
//leave the function because combination has been found
//this combination doesn't exist (not created in back office)
selectedCombination['unavailable'] = true;
if (typeof(selectedCombination['available_date']) != 'undefined')
delete selectedCombination['available_date'];
var f_updateDisplay = window.updateDisplay;
window.updateDisplay = function() {
var f_getProductAttribute = window.getProductAttribute;
window.getProductAttribute = function() {
function checkMinimalQuantity(minimal_quantity) {}
var ppQuantityObserver = pp.observer(
function (observer) {
return pp.normalizeFloatAsString(observer.args[0]) != pp.normalizeFloatAsString(observer.args[1]);
var ppPriceObserver = pp.observer(
function (observer) {
var clean = function() {
$('#pp_price, #pp_price_smartprice_info').removeClass('calculating');
$('.pp_price .ajax-processing').removeClass('visible');
if (observer.ajaxData != observer.data) {
observer.ajaxData = observer.data;
var ajaxData = observer.ajaxData;
var price = observer.price;
$('.pp_price .ajax-processing').addClass('visible');
type: 'POST',
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
url: ppProduct.actions.price + '&ajax=1&rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
cache: false,
dataType : "json",
data: observer.ajaxData
.done(function(jsonData) {
if (jsonData.status == 'success') {
if (!observer.observing() && ajaxData == observer.ajaxData) {
observer.data = '';
if (typeof jsonData.total != "undefined") {
$('.pp_price').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('#pp_price').html(formatCurrency(jsonData.total, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
pp.hooks.call('smartprice', 'priceObserver', jsonData);
.always(function() {
else {
function (observer) {
var qty  = pp.parseFloat(observer.args[0]);
var pp_ext = '';
$('input.pp_ext_prop_quantity').each(function() {
pp_ext += '&' + $(this).attr('name') + '=' + $(this).val();
var data = '&id_product=' + $('#product_page_product_id').val()
+ '&id_product_attribute=' + $('#idCombination').val()
+ '&qty=' + qty
+ pp_ext;
observer.price = observer.args[1];
var observe = (qty > 0 && observer.data != data);
observer.data = data;
if (observer.ajaxData != observer.data)
$('#pp_price, #pp_price_smartprice_info').addClass('calculating');
return observe;
function ppCalcPrice() {
if (!ppPriceObserver.initialized)
var ext_qty;
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext'] == 1) {
var pp_ext_prop_quantity = $('input.pp_ext_prop_quantity');
if (pp_ext_prop_quantity.length) {
pp_ext_prop_quantity.each(function() {
var q = pp.parseFloat($(this).val());
if (q > 0) {
if (ppQuantityObserver.observe($(this).val(), q)) {
return false;
var position = $(this).data('pp_ext_position');
var o = ppProductProperties['pp_ext_prop'][position];
var minQty = o.minimum_quantity;
var maxQty = o.maximum_quantity;
var qtyStep = o.qty_step;
var qtyRatio = o.qty_ratio;
if (qtyStep > 0) {
var qq = pp.processQtyStep(q, qtyStep);
if (ppQuantityObserver.observe(qq, q)) {
return false;
q = qq;
if (minQty > 0 && q < minQty) {
q = minQty;
if (maxQty > 0 && q > maxQty) {
q = maxQty;
if (ppQuantityObserver.observe($(this).val(), q)) {
return false;
if (ppProductProperties["pp_ext_method"] == 1) {
if (ext_qty == undefined) ext_qty = 1;
ext_qty *= (qtyRatio > 0 ? q / qtyRatio : q);
else {
if (ext_qty == undefined) ext_qty = 0;
ext_qty += (qtyRatio > 0 ? q / qtyRatio : q);
if (ppQuantityObserver.observing()) {
if ((ppProductProperties['pp_ext_policy'] == 1) && (isNaN(ext_qty) || ext_qty <= 0)) {
ext_qty = pp.parseFloat($('input.pp_ext_result').val());
if (!isNaN(ext_qty) && ext_qty > 0) {
var formatted_ext_qty = pp.formatQty(ext_qty);
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext_policy'] == 1 && productUnitPriceRatio > 0) {
var q = ext_qty / productUnitPriceRatio;
q = q.toFixed(8);
else {
$('span.pp_ext_result').html(0); // input.pp_ext_result is not modified
var price = 0;
var qty = pp.parseFloat($('#quantity_wanted').val());
if (qty > 0) {
if (ppQuantityObserver.observe($('#quantity_wanted').val(), qty)) {
var currentPrice;
var rate;
if (typeof priceWithDiscountsDisplay == 'undefined') {
currentPrice = productPrice;
rate = 1;
else {
currentPrice = priceWithDiscountsDisplay;
rate = currencyRate;
if (!isNaN(currentPrice) && currentPrice > 0) {
currentPrice = ps_round(currentPrice * rate, priceDisplayPrecision);
if (ppProductProperties['pp_qty_policy'] != 2) {
qty = Math.floor(qty);
if (ppProductProperties['pp_qty_step'] > 0) {
var q = pp.processQtyStep(qty, ppProductProperties['pp_qty_step']);
if (ppQuantityObserver.observe(q, qty)) {
qty = q;
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext'] == 1) {
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext_policy'] == 1) {
ext_qty = 1;
if (productUnitPriceRatio > 0) {
var q = qty * productUnitPriceRatio;
else {
qty = Math.floor(qty);
if (isNaN(ext_qty)) {
ext_qty = 0;
else {
ext_qty = 1;
var q = (ext_qty * qty).toFixed(8);
price = ps_round(currentPrice * q, priceDisplayPrecision);
var minPriceRatio = ppProductProperties['pp_minimal_price_ratio'];
if (!isNaN(minPriceRatio) && minPriceRatio > 0) {
var min_price = ps_round(currentPrice * minPriceRatio, priceDisplayPrecision);
if (price < min_price) {
price = min_price;
if ($('#quantity_wanted').val() !== '') {
minimal_quantity = pp.parseFloat($('#minimal_quantity_label').html());
if (pp.parseFloat($('#quantity_wanted').val()) < minimal_quantity) {
$('#quantity_wanted').css('border-color', 'red');
else {
$('#quantity_wanted').css('border-color', $('#quantity_wanted').data('border-color'));
if (productShowPrice != 1)
if (!ppProduct.priceObserver)
$('#pp_price').html(formatCurrency(price, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
ppAmendPriceDisplay(qty, price);
if (ppProduct.priceObserver)
ppPriceObserver.observe($('#quantity_wanted').val(), price);
function ppQtyUpdated(event) {
if (event instanceof Object && event.target != undefined && event.which != undefined) {
if ((event.which >= 33 && event.which <= 40) || (event.which >= 16 && event.which <= 20) || $.inArray(event.which, [9,27,45,46,144,145]) != -1) {
function ppAmendPriceDisplay(qty, price) {
if (productShowPrice == 1) {
if (typeof(qty) == 'object') {
qty = String($(this).val()).replace(/,/g, '.');
price = (qty == '' || isNaN(qty) ? 0 : 1);
if (price <= 0 || (ppProductProperties['pp_qty_policy'] != 2 && !isNaN(qty) && qty == 1)) {
if (ppProductProperties['pp_price_display_mode'] == 0) {
if (!ppProduct.priceObserver && !pp.isPackCalculator(ppProductProperties)) {
$('.pp_price').css('visibility', 'hidden');
else if (ppProductProperties['pp_price_display_mode'] == 1) {
$('.our_price_display .pp_price_text').show();
else {
if (ppProductProperties['pp_price_display_mode'] == 0) {
if (ppProduct.priceObserver || !pp.isPackCalculator(ppProductProperties)) {
$('.pp_price').css('visibility', 'visible');
else if (ppProductProperties['pp_price_display_mode'] == 1) {
$('.our_price_display .pp_price_text').hide();
if (productUnitPriceRatio > 0 && ((ppProductProperties['pp_display_mode'] & 4) == 4)) {
unit_price = productBasePriceTaxExcl / productUnitPriceRatio;
if (!noTaxForThisProduct && !customerGroupWithoutTax)
unit_price = unit_price * (taxRate/100 + 1);
$('#unit_price_display').text(formatCurrency(unit_price * currencyRate, currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
function ppAmendExtProp(id_product_attribute) {
if (!selectedCombination['unavailable'] && ppProductProperties['pp_ext'] == 1) {
var id_product_attribute = $('#idCombination').val();
for (i = 1; i < ppProductProperties['pp_ext_prop'].length; i++) {
var o = ppProductProperties['pp_ext_prop'];
var name = 'pp_ext_prop_quantity_' + i;
var q = ppProduct.getExtQty(id_product_attribute, i, o.default_quantity);
$('input.' + name).pp_val(q, false);
$('span.' + name).html(q);
(function(deferred) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#quantity_wanted').data('border-color', $('#quantity_wanted').css('border-color'));
if ($('#quantity_wanted_p').is(':visible')) {
ppProduct.amendUrlRegister($('#quantity_wanted'), 'qty');
var minimal_quantity_label = $('#minimal_quantity_label');
if (minimal_quantity_label.length === 0)
// in case theme does not contain minimal_quantity_label we add it as a hidden field
// minimal_quantity_label is used in checkMinimalQuantity()
$('#quantity_wanted').after('<span id="minimal_quantity_label" style="display:none"></span>');
minimal_quantity_label.after('<span class="pp_qty_text"> '+ppProductProperties['pp_qty_text']);
$('#quantity_wanted').val(pp.formatQty(Math.max(ppProductProperties['defaultQty'], ppProductProperties['minQty'])));
var qw = $('#quantity_wanted_p a.product_quantity_up');
(qw.length > 0 ? qw : $('#quantity_wanted')).after('<span class="pp_qty_text"> '+ppProductProperties['pp_qty_text']+'</span>'); 
if (ppProductProperties['pp_qty_policy'] == 2)
$('#quantity_wanted').attr('maxlength', 8);
$('#quantity_wanted').off('keyup').on('keyup', function(event) {ppQtyUpdated(event)});
if (productShowPrice == 1) {
if (ppProductProperties['explanation']) {
$('#quantity_wanted_p').after('<div id="pp_explanation">'+ppProductProperties['explanation']+'</div>');
if (ppProductProperties['pp_price_display_mode'] == 0) {
var style = (ppProduct.priceObserver || pp.isPackCalculator(ppProductProperties) ? '' : ' style="visibility: hidden;"');
$('#quantity_wanted_p').after('<div class="pp_price pp_price_display pp_price_display_mode_0"'+style+'>'+ppProductProperties['priceTxt']+' <span id="pp_price"></span></div>');
else if (ppProductProperties['pp_price_display_mode'] == 1) {
$('#our_price_display').after('<span class="pp_price pp_price_display pp_price_display_mode_1" style="display: none;"><span id="pp_price"></span></span>');
pp.hooks.call('smartprice', 'inject', $('.pp_price_display'));
if (ppProduct.priceObserver)
$('#pp_price').after('<span class="ajax-processing" style="visibility: hidden;"></span>');
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext'] == 1) {
$('#quantity_wanted_p').before('<div class="pp_ext"></div>');
var pp_ext = $('.pp_ext');
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext_title'].length > 0) {
pp_ext.append('<div class="pp_ext_title">' + ppProductProperties['pp_ext_title'] + '</div>');
for (i = 1; i < ppProductProperties['pp_ext_prop'].length; i++) {
var o = ppProductProperties['pp_ext_prop'];
var name = 'pp_ext_prop_quantity_' + i;
var s = '<div class="pp_ext_prop_wrapper ' + 'pp_ext_prop_wrapper_' + i + '">';
s += '<span class="pp_ext_prop_property">' + o.property + '</span>';
s += '<input type="text" class="pp_ext_prop_quantity ' + name + '" name="' + name + '" value="' + ppProduct.getExtQty(0, i, o.default_quantity) + '"></input>';
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext_policy'] == 2) {
s += '<span class="pp_ext_prop_quantity ' + name + '">' + ppProduct.getExtQty(0, i, o.default_quantity) + '</span>';
s += '<span class="pp_ext_prop_text">' + o.text + '</span>';
s += '</div>';
$('input.' + name).data('pp_ext_position', i);
ppProduct.amendUrlRegister($('input.' + name), 'qty' + i);
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext_property'].length > 0) {
var s_prefix = '<span class="pp_ext_property">' + ppProductProperties['pp_ext_property'] + '</span>';
var s_suffix = '<span class="pp_ext_text">' + ppProductProperties['pp_ext_text'] + '</span></div>';
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext_policy'] == 1) {
var s = '<input type="text" class="pp_ext_result" />';
$('.pp_price').after('<div class="pp_ext_result_quantity">' + s_prefix +
'<span id="pp_ext_result_quantity"></span>' + s_suffix);
else {
var s = '<span class="pp_ext_result"></span>';
pp_ext.append('<div class="pp_ext_method_wrapper">' + s_prefix + s + s_suffix);
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext_policy'] == 2) {
else {
if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext_policy'] == 1) {
$('input.pp_ext_result').on('keyup', function() {
$('#quantity_wanted').on('keyup', function() {
$('input.pp_ext_prop_quantity, input.pp_ext_result').val('');
$('input.pp_ext_prop_quantity, input.pp_ext_result').on('keyup', function(event) {ppQtyUpdated(event)});
// The button to increment the product value
$(document).off('click', '.product_quantity_up').on('click', '.product_quantity_up', function(e) {
fieldName = $(this).data('field-qty');
var currentVal = pp.parseFloat($('input[name=+fieldName+]').val());
if (!isNaN(currentVal)) {
var newVal = (ppProductProperties['pp_qty_step'] > 0 ?
pp.processQtyStep(currentVal + ppProductProperties['pp_qty_step'], ppProductProperties['pp_qty_step']) :
currentVal + 1);
var quantityAvailableT = (quantityAvailable > 0 ? quantityAvailable : 100000000);
if (newVal <= quantityAvailableT || ppProductProperties['pp_ext'] == 1) {
$('input[name=+fieldName+]').pp_val(pp.formatQty(newVal), true).trigger('keyup');    
// The button to decrement the product value
$(document).off('click', '.product_quantity_down').on('click', '.product_quantity_down', function(e) {
fieldName = $(this).data('field-qty');
var currentVal = pp.parseFloat($('input[name=+fieldName+]').val());
if (!isNaN(currentVal)) {
var newVal = (ppProductProperties['pp_qty_step'] > 0 ?
pp.processQtyStep(currentVal - ppProductProperties['pp_qty_step'], ppProductProperties['pp_qty_step']) :
currentVal - 1);
if (newVal > 0 && newVal >= ppProductProperties['pp_qty_step']) {
$('input[name=+fieldName+]').pp_val(pp.formatQty(newVal), true).trigger('keyup');    
$(document).on('keyup', '.attribute_select', function(e) {
if (e.which == undefined || (e.which >= 33 && e.which <= 40))
if (ppProductProperties['pp_qty_text']) {
$('#quantityAvailable').after('<span class="pp_qty_text"> '+ppProductProperties['pp_qty_text']+'</span>');
$('#quantityDiscount td:nth-child(1)').append('<span class="pp_qty_text"> '+ppProductProperties['pp_qty_text']+'</span>');
if (ppProductProperties['pp_price_text']) {
$('#quantityDiscount td:nth-child(2)').append('<span class="pp_price_text"> '+ppProductProperties['pp_price_text']+'</span>');
$('#our_price_display').after('<span class="pp_price_text"> '+ppProductProperties['pp_price_text']+'</span>');
if (ppProductProperties['pp_unity_text']) {
var unit_price_display = $('#unit_price_display').detach();
$('p.unit-price').empty().append(unit_price_display).append('<span class="pp_unity_text"> '+ppProductProperties['pp_unity_text']+'</span>');
if (ppProductProperties['display_mode_retail_price'] != undefined) {
$('#unit_price_display').html(formatCurrency(ppProductProperties['display_mode_retail_price'], currencyFormat, currencySign, currencyBlank));
$('#unit_price_display').attr('id', 'retail_price_display')
if ((ppProductProperties['pp_display_mode'] & 1) == 1) {
pp.swapHtml('.our_price_display', '.unit-price');
if (typeof productPrice == 'string') {
productPrice = pp.parseFloat(productPrice);
if (typeof productHasAttributes != 'undefined' && productHasAttributes)
if (ppProduct.original_url.indexOf('#_') != -1) {
var params = ppProduct.original_url.substring(ppProduct.original_url.indexOf('#_') + 1, ppProduct.original_url.length).split('_');
if (params[0] == '')
for (var i in params) {
var p = params.split('-');
if (p[0].substr(0, 3) == 'qty') {
if (p[0].substr(3) == '')
$('#quantity_wanted').pp_val(pp.formatQty(p[1]), true);
else if (ppProductProperties['pp_ext'] == 1)
$('input.pp_ext_prop_quantity_'+p[0].substr(3)).pp_val(pp.formatQty(p[1]), true);
ppProduct.qty_updated_target = 'pp_ext_prop_quantity';
pp.ready.when(deferred).done(function() {
ppPriceObserver.initialized = true;
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bo ja juz nie wiem czego oczekujesz.... miales wczesniej spomniane miejsce, w ktorym nalezy dokonac zmian. teraz (pomijajac juz fakt, ze w balaganie zamiast znacznikach [ code ]) wrzucasz cos co jest... nie wiem jak to nazwac, albo calkowica przerobka przyciskow QTY albo.... co ja mma niby z tym zrobic? mam z tego smietnika analizowac caly kod i wskazac linijke i co dokladnie nalezy w niej zmienic? no to juz podchodzi pod gotowiec. mniejwiecej (duzo wiecej niz mniej) masz podane co i gdzie nalezy zmienic. jezeli powyzsze zastepuje przyciski qty to czyli, ze anlogii musisz szukac w tym pliku. "też nie działa całkowicie przycisk +" ... no fajnie, jak nie dziala, to znaczy, ze gdzies jest blad... ile o problemie tyle odpowiedzi. miales pokazac co zrobiles do tej pory i wrzucic zmienienone fragmenty. wrzucasz czysty (smietnik) kod pliku modulu, ktory nie jest standardem. czyli, jedno co moge wnioskowac z tego, to "nic nie zrobie, odczekam chwile to dostane gotowca".... nie tedy droga. pokazujesz, ze pracujesz dostajesz kolejne wskazowki. inaczej sie nie da ;)

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Dziekuje działa idealnie

z ciekawosci, mozesz podac linka do efektu? bo tak szczerze powiedziawszy posta z rozwiazaniem pisalem z glowy (ot taka teoria) bo jeszcze nie robilem takiego wdrozenia :D ale takie rozwiazanie wydalo mi sie praktyczne i najprostsze do zrobienia ;)

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