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Problema con il menu Moduli del BO


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Premetto che è da poco tempo che utilizzo Prestashop, quindi ne conosco solo le funzioni canoniche.


Ho riscontrato un problema (messaggio di errore fatale) quando clicco sul menu "Moduli" del Back Office.


Di seguito il messaggio d'errore:


Fatal error: Cannot access protected property NetReviews::$context in /home/xxxxxx/domains/parrottaprontomoda.it/public_html/modules/netreviews/upgrade/upgrade-7.1.3.php on line 168 [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/xxxxxxx/domains/parrottaprontomoda.it/public_html/modules/netreviews/upgrade/upgrade-7.1.3.php:

Cannot access protected property NetReviews::$context


N.B. le "x" le ho inserite per evitare di fornire dati sensibili


Grazie anticipatamente per l'eventuale aiuto!

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I'm Rémi, Lead Developer at "Avis Vérifiés ("Verified Reviews" "Recensioni Verificate" ... netreviews)". We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by the module update, the bug was solved immediately by our team, but the deploy of the fix took some time to go live on All Prestashop, meanwhile a quick fix had can be done to the effected file by FTP, I would like to thank all the contributors who informed other users quickly on this fix.


For those who are still facing this problem, here's how to fix it:


  • you have to go into your FTP /modules/netreviews and delete the folder upgrade ( or the file upgrade-7.1.3.php inside the upgrade folder) and now you can access your module page
  • You can now find the module "Recensioni Verificate (netreviews)" and click on reset button, the module will be update to his latest version 7.1.31.

We can do this procedure together or for you if needed, do not hesitate to contact us at +33 4 13 25 81 71 (english or french), or 00390294750298 (italian)


Kind regards

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