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Images NOT SHOWING For Products In Category Pages - Prestashop 1.6xx


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We gonna need way more information to help you out here.

Do you got a link to your site? If not how about answering these questions:



How many languages installed?

What is the exact PS Version?

Since when is the problem occurring?

What is the exact error in your browsers console? 404?

Can you see the images in the backoffice when you edit the products?

Are you using redirects?

Any modules installed that change the image behaviour?

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We gonna need way more information to help you out here.

Do you got a link to your site? If not how about answering these questions:



How many languages installed?

What is the exact PS Version?

Since when is the problem occurring?

What is the exact error in your browsers console? 404?

Can you see the images in the backoffice when you edit the products?

Are you using redirects?

Any modules installed that change the image behaviour?

Here is a link to our site.....   www.m2scientifics.com 


Not multishop, just English,, problem started today, images are shown everywhere else but in the category listing pages, installed a module today CLEANURL. and then uninstalled. Seems like it might have been the module, come to think about it.

Edited by VenditionLLC (see edit history)
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So you got lots of

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

for your image there. Something changed the URLs for these images.


This is the URL on the product page:


And this is the URL on category page where it cant be found:


Dont know why it is like this, but i guess it got change by a module.

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I expect the module modified the file themes/<your theme folder>/product-list.tpl


Open this file, (make backup, just in case)


and see if you find the string:


(Expect only one time in the file).

if so, change this string into:



Save, and reload shop category page.


Hope that does the trick. If not, you could restore the original PrestaShop file from a backup, or from the original installation zip.



My 2 cents,


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