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Do i Have a Duplikat content problem?


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Hi presta animals :-)


I have a issue that I have trobule figurung out. Long Story but here goes.


My shop got updated from 1.5 to

In a periode after that i had languge set to both english and danish. But as i only need the shop to be in danish the english was disabeled. I then got a 404 on every thing in the shop.But when i activated english again it all worked fine.

Contact-ed the company that I had bought my theme (PF-NEXTSTORE) from to hear if it was the theme that made the mess. He took a look at it, and got it to work.... but......


my main url was techstore.dk/da (Before)

And techstore.dk (afterwords) and this is the correct way as it should be.


So i can see in webmastertools that many errors come up with the da and en in front of products like this:




Any ideas if it's all one big mess?


Best Regards 


Edited by Runge1980 (see edit history)
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