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HttpRequest in controller


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Hi guys;



Im working on a module developement where I'm supposed to pass an array through HttpRequest  can anyone help me ? How can I run following code :


$request = new HttpRequest($url,HttpRequest::METH_POST);
                                $response= $request->send()->getBody();
                                //echo $response;
                                return $response;
                        catch (HttpException $ex)
                                //echo $ex;
                                logEvent('fatal','Exception during Request'.$request);



Array -> dataHash contains values fetched by Tools::getValue('name'), from the previous form submission in a view.

As and when I create a object forHttpRequest controller crashes and shows a blank white page.

Please help me coming up with a solution.




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As you mentioned above I enabled error reporting . Following error message was seen:


Fatal error: Class 'HttpRequest' not found in D:\xampp\htdocs\.. on line 119


And that's a PHP error because the extension which provides HttpRequest is not installed on your server

You need to install this extension


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