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Populate DataLayer when a user logs on


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I'm very new to Prestashop so sorry if I am not very clear. I am currently installing GTM on my website and thanks to this community, it's working pretty well for the time being. With GTM, you can create JavaScript Objects containing custom values for tracking purposes called dataLayer. Depending on your needs, you can add data to this object either when a page is loaded or when users do some interactions. I've done it for most of my use-cases but I'm facing an issue when a user tries to log in.

In most default themes of prestashop, when users log into the website, they are automatically redirected to the page 'my account' which is perfectly normal. However, I would like to send my dataLayer at the very moment a user is logged in and not when I reach 'my account' page. 


Can someone help me on this matter ?



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