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Seo analysis: Xenu founds a lot of open carts links

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Hi, i have a problem in a prestashop website, i made a seo analysis with Xenu and i found a lot of url like this:




This website has already url-friendly and mod_rewrite  on.



Today i found that tha Block Layered was set to yes for all search engines and now i put them off and i have also regenerated the robots.txt.


Hide filter values when no product is matching  Sì  No Show the number of matching products  Sì  No Show products from subcategories  Sì  No Category filter depth (0 for no limits, 1 by default) Use tax to filter price  Sì  No Allow indexing robots (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.) to use the Condition filter  Sì  No Allow indexing robots (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.) to use the Availability filter  Sì  No Allow indexing robots (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.) to use the Manufacturer filter  Sì  No Allow indexing robots (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.) to use the Category filter  Sì  No



Do you think the problem was that?



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