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Google Analytics Module Not Tracking


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I'm running PS 1.6.13 and analytics module 2.08 - The theme is the default bootstarp

Basically noting was working after installing the module.no stats returned in analytics with error messages


L'URL de destination de l'annonce http://www.labels4less.co.za, appartenant au compte AdWord a enregistré un nombre de clics important, mais un nombre de sessions moins élevé que prévu. Un fichier robots.txt sur votre site a empêché toute analyse supplémentaire.


I saw the module was hooked in the header

Then I tried to hook it in the footer as well and suddenly my goggle analytics seems to wok again

So Please Cedric could tell us in which hook the modules has to been hooked to work correctly ?

Kind regards



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pour verification:


header = displayHeader


adminOrder = displayAdminOrder (Display in Back Office , tab Admin Order)

footer = displayFooter

home = DisplayHome  (Homepage Content)

productfooter = DisplayFooterProduct(Product Footer)

orderConfirmation : ????

backOfficeHeader: displayBackofficeHeader (Administration panel header)


Est-ce bien correct

Je ne trouve pas le hook pour orderConfirmation ....



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  • 1 month later...



Je rencontre un problème avec le module Google Analytics qui ne remonte plus aucune information : ni compteur de visites, ni stats temps réel, plus rien...
Il semble que le pb soit apparu après l'installation du module Prestaspeed. Je suis sous prestashop et j'utilise ganalytics 2.0.9. J'ai réinitialisé le module, désinstallé et réinstallé mais cela est resté sans effet. J'ai vérifié les hooks qui semblent corrects mais  je note 2 anomalies avec Google Tag Assistant: No HTTP response detected et Missing analytics.js script.


L'observation du code source de la page donne :


(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
Ce qui n'est pas cohérent avec le contenu du  fichier ganalytics.php 
<script type="text/javascript">
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga(\'create\', \''.Tools::safeOutput(Configuration::get('GA_ACCOUNT_ID')).'\', \'auto\');
ga(\'require\', \'ec\');
'.($back_office ? 'ga(\'set\', \'nonInteraction\', true);' : '').'
Merci d'avance pour votre aide
Edited by AshantisBoutik (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you have any right click protection ? I'm unable to see the console.

Yes it is activated and probably the problem of non-tracking ! If you disable visibility for SERP's you will also not have luck with tracking tools. !!! Disable cause it's your damage and not your security for copy content or scripts. Search engines see all what humans can see. If humans cannot see, Search Engines do it by the same way  = (push argument not available).

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Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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There is indeed a right click protection but it is not the cause for that GA issue.


Problem is finally solved when disabling in performance settings "Move the Javascript code at the end (Déplacer le code JavaScript à la fin)"  :) 


This sounds like a bug to me, but i disabled it...


For selectshop.at, i am not sure that I really understood your explanation about the impact of right click protection but I have also disabled it. I will check if it has a positive action on search engine activity.


Thank you, both of you, for your help anyway.

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Right click tools are useless. Only noobies cannot copy your content, but it will not stop experts to copy your content.


The problem of JS moved to end is a bug of your theme. Prestashop native theme and also some other paid one can handle this without any problem. You should debug with theme developer this issue.

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I don't understand the connection of right click allow and double content on your own shop ???? Right click module is doing nothing than do not allow others in the net to copy your texts and images to another site!?. Such modules are useless, cause you can see text and image link with every browser by reading the source code of your page. So only a quick not copy is not allowed with this module, but not a NOT copy. From source you can read and copy all you want, so such modules are really useless.


For double content in your own page you should use a theme (the best is the default one of Prestashop) which is coded well and do not allow double content by added extra features, and of course yourself work by do not add same descriptions on similar or equal products.

Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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