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Cannot able to upadte presta to

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Same problem here. Rollback didn't work (freeze)... Had to reload my own backup (made just before).

thumbs up for making your own backups, and knowing how to restore from them


i am a broken record when it comes to upgrades, but I will continue to say it in hopes people finally start listening...


1) Why on earth would anyone want to be the guinea pig when it comes to Prestashop upgrades.  With the track record Prestashop has with their releases, wait until the release has matured before you jump to upgrade.  It is not a race, you will not receive a prize for being the first on the new version...


2) Always always always create a test copy of your store and test the upgrade first.  Never upgrade your production store without testing the uprade. 


3) Ensure you have working backups of both the database and the website content.  Do NOT rely on the autoupgrade to work properly, and especially DO NOT rely on it to backup your website.


4) Use those backups to create your test store.  That will ensure your backups are complete and functional.  It will also ensure you know how to restore from backups when the autoupgrade fails.

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thumbs up for making your own backups, and knowing how to restore from them


i am a broken record when it comes to upgrades, but I will continue to say it in hopes people finally start listening...


1) Why on earth would anyone want to be the guinea pig when it comes to Prestashop upgrades.  With the track record Prestashop has with their releases, wait until the release has matured before you jump to upgrade.  It is not a race, you will not receive a prize for being the first on the new version...


2) Always always always create a test copy of your store and test the upgrade first.  Never upgrade your production store without testing the uprade. 


3) Ensure you have working backups of both the database and the website content.  Do NOT rely on the autoupgrade to work properly, and especially DO NOT rely on it to backup your website.


4) Use those backups to create your test store.  That will ensure your backups are complete and functional.  It will also ensure you know how to restore from backups when the autoupgrade fails.


thumbs up for the usefull answer


I'm currently making a migration of my shop from CS-Cart to PS


1) It's not a race, but if nobody makes the upgrade, who will see if there is a problem with it ;-)) No guinea pig = no feedback, so I'm one...


2) Of course. But I AM currently working on a TEST copy. That's the reason why I'm making the upgrades. I don't want to put my site in production and begin making upgrades the day after.


3) Of course, you're right. The autoupgrade was used for the first time, also to test it. Conclusion : it did'nt worked and I wasn't suprized... I can live without it.


4) Of course, you're right.

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After roll back:



  • Some PrestaShop files are missing from your server.



I had some issues with the indexation of the products, and I thought that they have corrected it.


Also, the bar menu looks awkward, meaning that the buttons are not optimized to cover the entire legth of the menu (the categories). The sub-categories are ok, that is strange

Edited by adi_b (see edit history)
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1) It's not a race, but if nobody makes the upgrade, who will see if there is a problem with it ;-)) No guinea pig = no feedback, so I'm one...

I assume that is why Prestashop releases the beta version in their beta forum.  If you want to be the guinea pig and provide feedback, then perhaps participate in the beta forums.

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ok, thats a good thing, it just means there is an error message being hidden.  you need to enable debug mode (search the forums on how to do that).  once debug mode is enabled, you will see the error message instead of a blank white page.


I can see orders again. Switched both options in Debug off and now it is working again.

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i upgraded with the 1 Click upgrade to Version vrom Version Now i Have following Warning under Modules


  1. [autoupgrade] Fehler in der config-Datei: StartTag: invalid element name
  2. [autoupgrade] Fehler in der config-Datei: Premature end of data in tag USD line 2
  3. [autoupgrade] Fehler in der config-Datei: Premature end of data in tag price line 2
  4. [autoupgrade] Fehler in der config-Datei: Premature end of data in tag module line 2
  5. [autoupgrade] Fehler in der config-Datei: Premature end of data in tag modules line 2 

sombody have any idea where i can search to corrigate that?





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