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How do I change default theme font color? [SOLVED]



Hi there,


I´m trying to setup my new show in Prestashop Cloud, and I´m having great difficulties changing some things.

I´m not very good at php and css, which might be part of the issue.


My biggest issue, right now, is that the font is not very visible.

I´ve searched Google and the forums here, but without luck.


I´m using default bootstrap theme, with "theme7" selected via the Live Edit in the Themeconfigurator module.

Using the Live Edit, I can change a few colors on the page, along with the Font-type, but not the font color.


The font is currently a grey-ish color, but I would like to change it to just black (#000000).

Where should I change it so it takes affect on all pages and in all forms on my site?


I have attached some images of the problem.


Please help, I´ve been stuck on this for hours now.





Forget it. I took it as a challenge, and started to learn CSS / HTML using www.codeacademy.com

Now I'm able to locate the necessary css-codes, and change it myself.

Have a good weekend.



Edited by Simonkl (see edit history)
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Hi Saibride.


Here's what I did:


Most of the font changes were done in theme7.css for me (found in /modules/themeconfigurator/css) and in global.css (found in /themes/default-bootstrap/css). I opened both files, so they were ready for changing.


Then I opened my store in Google Chrome. Found the text I wanted to change. Right-clicked the text I wanted to change and selected "Inspect element". There I could see the css information about the selected text, and I would look for the css string called "color".

When found, you can hover he mouse over the file name and see the complete file path for where the css code is, and also on which line you can find it (more or less).

Then I went to the code using the FTP access and changed the font all the places I needed to.


Remember: Before you can do his you need to go to your backoffice, go to advanced parameters, performance, and then disable "Smart cache for CSS". Otherwise you can't see in which file the css for font color is located.


For me this makes sense, but I spent hours doing a css course on codeacademy first. If you need more detail, please ask. \


Good luck.


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