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Store Contacts E-Mail Will Not Change

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I've had this issue for months. The store e-mail is my personal e-mail which I used when I was originally setting up the shop.


I have gone to Preferences - Store Contacts and changed it dozens of times and it doesn't actually update.


I tried changing the employee contact for the first account and it also is acting really strange. I changed the original employee from my personal address to the shop address and as far as the employee list is concerned the change took. Likewise to login I have to use the shop e-mail. When I look at the employee profile though I have my personal e-mail.


I tried changing other employees and that was not a problem. The issue is limited to the original employee and the shop contact. I don't care about the employee address but the shop address can't be my personal e-mail since the shop e-mail is used in the automatically generated e-mails by PrestaShop


I assumed I would be able to just change store contact e-mail directly in the database but I tried that today and I can't find anything that seems e-mail related. I was expecting something like the way you change the shop URL in the database but e-mail does not seem to be present.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Solved my own issue. Here is solution in case anyone else has this problem.


Shop email can be set from the database but unlike URL it doesn't have its own table and instead is a value in ps_configuration and pretty far down -- around like 400.


Change it here and save it and that updates it in the store.

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