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Paypal not working

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I have installed a Prestashop 1.2.5 based store - all is working except paypal. I followed the instructions found in an FAQ in the WIKI pages. No luck. I have successfully configured paypal in the past for another customer (1.2.4 based) and everything worked great. Help!!!

Oh, what happens is I complete order and select the Paypal payment option. I then get redirected to a paypal page that says:

Sorry — your last action could not be completed

If you were making a purchase or sending money, we recommend that you check both your PayPal account and your email for a transaction confirmation after 30 minutes.

If you came to this page from another website, please return to that site (don't use your browser's Back button) and restart your activity.

If you came from PayPal's website, click the PayPal logo in the upper-left corner to return to our home page and restart your activity. You might have to log in again.

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You were dead on. I fired up Google Chrome, went to the store, and it worked like a champ. Oddly, I cleared cookies on IE 8 and it still behaves the same. Even odder, if I change the paypal account on the back end to my paypal account, it works on IE 8 just fine. Something about my customer's paypal account and my IE 8 environment. Wish I understood that one...

Anyhow, thanks for the tip!

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I got the same error message when I tried to make a test payment (not sandbox) on two XP boxes on two separate internet ISPs, one running IE8 and the other with IE6. Firefox, on the other hand, worked fine and I got to the Paypal payment screen. Another post on the subject suggested the problem might lie in the merchant's primary/confirmed email, but my cart is set up with the properly confirmed primary email addy for a merchant account.

Any thoughts on the cause? Most people use IE so if even if a small a percentage of them experience this problem, this could be big trouble. Until this gets resolved, I'm postponing the launch of my business. (My launch date was set for Feb 1...) :-(


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Ok, I found a partial fix for my problem so I wanted to update the forum users here, in the hope it can help others.

It appears the problem lies with frames. If the website employs frames, PayPal may not work because you are attempting to load their secure page in a frame. This problem seems to be universally associated with IE users, while PayPal does not bomb out with Firefox. This is a complete mystery to all those on the PayPal forms and other shopping cart forms where they discuss this issue. Also, there is little uniformity as well - as I mentioned, two computers running IE (IE 6 and IE 8) received this error message, while a third computer with IE 6 worked fine, so it is surmised that the customer's computer setup (security updates, etc) play a part.

My website does use frames, so I loaded up the shopping cart directly without the top banner and link bar. This solved the problem in the IE 8 computer, and on an IE 6 laptop I dug out from under my bed. (hey, some people read books in bed, other watch YouTube videos)

From my research, there seems to be a sharp up-tick in people having this problem in the past couple of months, so people are wondering if some update to windows or IE caused the problem. Just FYI.

I hope this helps fix the immediate problem of customers not being able to pay for orders. I would HIGHLY appriciate it if someone here with knowledge of PresaCart's guts would suggest how to fix the problem so that we can use frames again. I really like my page banner and website links. For non-shopping cart websites, PayPal suggested this fix to allow frames: <form target="paypal" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">. How can we do something similar with PS?

Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps people who might encounter the same problem. If you use frames on your website, I HIGHLY encourage you to run tests on three or four computers running IE - some may work but some may not.


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