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Trying to show date on deliveryslip


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Hi all!


Im trying to add customer message and date to the deliveryslip but cant get the date to work.


<div style="line-height: 1pt"> </div>
<table style="width: 100%">
{foreach $messages as $message}
        <td style="font-weight:bold; width: 100%">{l s='Message:' pdf='true'}</td>
              <td style="width:100%">
              {dateFormat date=$message->date_add full=0}
What am i doing wrong?
If i use $order->date_add instead it works fine but its the wrong date i get then, i want the time of the message and not the order.
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Hi and thanks for your answers.

I really want to figure this out since im trying to learn the structure and coding of prestashop.


Any idea in what file i can find the array for the string that creates the $messages? 


Its not a SQL queary in BO atleast, i checked there =)

Edited by teralite (see edit history)
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Ok i found the array now, anyone that can help me to insert date_add there so i can get this to work?


class HTMLTemplateDeliverySlip extends HTMLTemplateDeliverySlipCore
public function getContent()
$customer = new Customer($this->order->id_customer);
$email = $customer->email;
$messages = $this->getSpecialOrderMessages($this->order->id, $email);
'messages' => $messages
return parent::getContent();
public function getSpecialOrderMessages($id_order, $email)
$id_order = (int)($id_order);
/*$messages = Message::getMessagesByOrderId($id_order);
foreach($messages as $message)
$cleanmsg[]['message'] = $message['message'];
$customer_thread_id = CustomerThread::getIdCustomerThreadByEmailAndIdOrder($email, $id_order);
$threads = CustomerThread::getMessageCustomerThreads($customer_thread_id);
foreach($threads as $thread)
$cleanmsg[]['message'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($thread['message']);
return $cleanmsg;
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If you want, (just like the message now comes from customerthread), the customerthread.date_add, try this: (from code you provided above):


foreach($threads as $key => $thread)
   if($thread['private']==0) {     //  <-- don't forget brackets
      $cleanmsg[$key]['message'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($thread['message']);
      $cleanmsg[$key]['date_add'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($thread['date_add']);
   }   //   <-- don't forget brackets
return $cleanmsg;


I think the date_add is already in the function call result of 

$threads = CustomerThread::getMessageCustomerThreads($customer_thread_id);


So it might work like this... Give it a try,


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Hi Pascal!


Thanks for your reply!


Now its a start but it seems that it now makes 2 "lines" on the output.

What im trying to do is to write out the "date" and then the "message" on the delivery slip, and with this function it now writes date_add as one line and message as one line.

I want it to be like this in the tpl file.


<div style="line-height: 1pt"> </div>
    <table style="width: 100%">
    {foreach $messages as $message}
            <td style="font-weight:bold; width: 100%">{l s='Message' pdf='true'} {dateFormat date=$message.date_add full=0}</td>
              <td style="width:100%">


I get the correct date now but it turns out like this on delivery slip :


Message 2015/02/03
Vill ha den uppdelad i två delar om 3 meter vardera med varsin anslutningskabel.


and the final output i want to acheive is like this:


Message 2015/02/03
Vill ha den uppdelad i två delar om 3 meter vardera med varsin anslutningskabel.

Edited by teralite (see edit history)
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  • 3 years later...
On 1/30/2015 at 10:44 AM, tuk66 said:

Have you tried $message.date_add?

Maybe off topic, but i wanted to change the  invoice date to when the order is done and $order->date_add it was the answer. That's one big stone for me :)) Tnx!

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