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Does anyone know how I remove this " literal " name?


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I've done it and not solve the problem ... completely removed from the module and nothing ....


I have looked this command within the homesliderpro module, in all .tpl as it was affected and it is not working properly but found nothing .


It's a mystery to know where this " literal "

Edited by intermediadorpopular (see edit history)
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so it's not a part of google analytics module.

it can be:

- hardcoded in header.tpl file (theme file)

- a part of modules associated with hook: displayHeader


please verify what modules you have in displayHeader (modules > positions)

and then, under modules > modules disable them one by one (for test purposes)

after every disable - check your front office if these {literal} tags disappear, if so - it will be necessary to analyse module .tpl files.

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Have verefiquei all .tpl the thema folder - default- booststrap and found nothing ....

Have to how many modules connected to the hook : displayHeader are in all: 55 , much work .

Do you have another solution?


I am afraid of losing something of the modules.

Edited by intermediadorpopular (see edit history)
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Edited by intermediadorpopular (see edit history)
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I'd say a bigger issue at the moment is that the site is trying to chuck viruses out, just tried going on there and it threw one, then started locking up flash (which was something to do with one of the adverts on the right hand side). This was happening despite noscript, so I'm not sure offhand what was enabled... I'd have a check on your ad settings to make sure it's not letting weird ones through.


Anyhow, no signs of any literal tags in that header file, I'd have a look on your Modules -> Positions page, and see what modules are being included in the page, then have a quick scan through their .tpl files for any sign of those literal tags.


If you have a suitable bit of software, you could also just search all of them for {literal} and see what turns up

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so it's not a part of google analytics module.

it can be:

- hardcoded in header.tpl file (theme file)

- a part of modules associated with hook: displayHeader


please verify what modules you have in displayHeader (modules > positions)

and then, under modules > modules disable them one by one (for test purposes)

after every disable - check your front office if these {literal} tags disappear, if so - it will be necessary to analyse module .tpl files.

It's the best process. Have you done as instructed ? I have some doubt on the slider module and elevetezoom module. If you still find them please check the block top menu and blockpermamentlink(it may be the culprit) module header.tpl file

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Have verefiquei all .tpl the thema folder - default- booststrap and found nothing ....


Have to how many modules connected to the hook : displayHeader are in all: 55 , much work .


Do you have another solution?


I am afraid of losing something of the modules.


if you don't want to disable (for test purposes only) these modules

you have to analyse contents of .tpl files one by one. of course, contents of .tpl files of all modules associated with header hook.

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Maybe first move the position of the available modules in the header hook one by one to another place (bottom or so), and see if the literals move with it. Then that module may be a good candidate to further look into. Don't forget your write down the original order of the modules to restore afterwards...


My 2 cents,


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Maybe first move the position of the available modules in the header hook one by one to another place (bottom or so), and see if the literals move with it. Then that module may be a good candidate to further look into. Don't forget your write down the original order of the modules to restore afterwards...


My 2 cents,



The change in position of the modules does not change anything , not even the " literal " .

But call me question the attention of two modules . ( Annex )



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Think I know:


I expect it to be the 'code' in the HTML box,

Please check modules->modules,   HTMLbox -> configure page


If you use literal code in here, it won't get filtered out as being code, but seen as just text:


See here:




Hope that's it,


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