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How to link products when they are in different categories-groups

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Let's say I create an img in the main template slider and I willing to add an url for that img how do I do that if the url is pointing a product or a category, but I have categories(products) with different group level access.


I know it's not clear so here is the example:

My Categories and groups access:





...and I've the same categories and products for group2





I use this for the different groups prices.

In this case if I add the first Cat1 url for the img, the group2 who are authorized to see the second Cat1 get an error message(You don't have access for this category)

So how can I set up an if statement for the slider img what is taking care of the different groups?

**note: registered users are going to group2, this is the main group and some users are going to group1 if I put them there.

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