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how to change the Sign in text in the top header menu


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I ended up looking for how to change this text for quite some time in the translations but only to find it is hard coded.


What i am talking about is at the very top of the default theme right under the header logo there is a bar with menu items on it.  Mine says Contact  and  Sign in


First thanks prestashop coders  for your internal  doc comments which showed that this was in the userinfoblock modules. 


Which led me to the themes/yourtheme/modules/blockuserinfo/nav.tpl file


inside that file you will see this line near the end

{l s='Sign in' mod='blockuserinfo'}

i just simply changed it to this

{l s='Sign in or Register' mod='blockuserinfo'}

The reason i wanted to change this is because nowhere on the site does it say register, expecially when your customer is ordering products, it tells them to register or create an account, but there is no link to do so which specifically says Register.  And not everyone knows that if you click sign in link it will let you register.  By the time customers figure it out they are already frustrated with the process, i know i was on my test order. I was like where is the stupid register button lol...


So now that it says Sign in or Register, this should make the order process flow better and not let them get frustrated and give up on the order.


Hope this helps.   


I wish Prestashop would do this out of the box. (and add this to translations rather than hard code it)



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