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shopping-cart.tpl without the shipping cost


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I would like to show the total ((({convertPrice $price=total_price}))) of the file shopping-cart.tpl without the shipping cost.

My 1st solution was to not show ((({convertPrice $price=total_price}))) but only

((( {convertPrice price=$total_products} ))) and a display:none to ((( {convertPrice price=$total_products} )))

Now I noticed that in case of use of reduction coupons the display becomes inconsistent and incomprehensible for the buyer.

I would like to display something like this:

((({convertPrice $price=total_price_without_shippingCost})))

Thank you.

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Try changing line 47 of modules/blockcart/blockcart.php from:

'total' => Tools::displayPrice($params['cart']->getOrderTotal(intval(Configuration::get('PS_PRICE_DISPLAY')) == 1 ? false : true), $currency),


'total' => Tools::displayPrice($params['cart']->getOrderTotal(intval(Configuration::get('PS_PRICE_DISPLAY')) == 1 ? false : true, 4), $currency),

You could also try changing the 4 to 7. Here is what each of the numbers mean:

type = 1 : only products
type = 2 : only discounts
type = 3 : both
type = 4 : both but without shipping
type = 5 : only shipping
type = 6 : only wrapping
type = 7 : only products without shipping

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