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Canadian language setting


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What is the setting for Canadian language - Localization language


iso code :


Language code :


When I input this en-ca or fr-ca


I do have this error:


  1. This ISO code is already linked to another language.



Working on preatashop 1.6

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Currently Prestashop uses two byte iso code only, but as of also included (not fully used) the language code (IETF), i.e. en-ca | en-us etc.


so if at install we selected English, then PrestaShop localizes for iso 'en' and language code 'en-us'.


if we then later want to localize for en-uk, it is not possible because PrestaShop already used iso code en ( not us).


what to do?


tip(not totally tested): change iso code of 'en' now assoc. to 'en-us', to 'us'

now import your localized en-ca, it will now import, and now we see that iso code of ca IETF 


NOTE: the problem is now that if visitor browser = en and not IETF, then default shop language will be used.  NOTE(2): en-us will now display /us/ as part of localized front office URL.


visitor localization is one of my interests and I offer pro/advanced modules for this area. so I always find interesting other shop managers who are looking for true visitor localization.

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Okay thanks for the advice, do you think I can break my en-us if I do these steps?


My objective will be to support client from Us and Canada.


There is some products i cant sale to CA. The provider refuse...



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For non-advanced shop managers: 

Have only one English without Front Office lang selector that uses flags.

Wait for PrestaShop to support an IETF like language URL, i.e. domain/en-ca/remainder of url.


Advanced shop managers:

on test shop (copy of production) (actually safe to do in prod)

follow advice above on changing iso code 'en' to country code, 'us' for en-us.

then export en-us language

modify the export to en-ca

import this

you now have two 'english' us and ca.  (can be done also for uk and/or any language)


run sitemap (now we hope to see us and ca links) Note: at this time I have not analyzed for duplicate content issues, I do not think issue because the iso code is us and ca, this can be best unrealized result because we are rewarded for visitor localization.


something you may find of interest, my fist advanced module...



my motto, visitor localization is not about guessing.

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