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inventory and warehouse switching by geolocation

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I have a store that has warehouse locations in several different geographic settings. two warehouses in the USA, East and west coast, UK and China warehouses as well.


We want to by customer location have orders draw from specific warehouses, for instance, UK shoppers only get orders from the UK and China warehouse. US shoppers get orders filled from the two US warehouses and the china warehouse.


Is there a way to designate this in prestashop 1.6 natively or is there a module that anyone knows of that will do this.


Also, we need a way to have prestashop send an email to the warehouse or supplier/dropshipper with the order and a shipping label prepaid from our account.


Thanks for any guidance you can lend



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  • 2 years later...

Hi, we finished some work recently that solves issue of warehouse by location.  even though this was old post it's never to late! :)


this module supports localization of your shop carriers including warehouses.  Please review the product description/user guide/front and back office demo.


This is the best shipping localization module for any platform. el


PrestaShop Shipping Commander  it's amazing. :)

Edited by El Patron (see edit history)
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