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Loyalty Rewards

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Okay here I am again.

You can find Information for the Loyalty module here LINK. I know its the same link I posted in your other topic. But scroll further down and you will find the Loyalty modul. (Yes at the moment there is a css error on the last part of the page, the webmaster is informed and they will fix it soon).


Now to my explanation for the loyalty module. I just will talk through all the settings:


Ratio: Thats easy. For every "X" spent the costumer gets "1" point. So if the value here is "10" the costumer gets one point for every €10 spent. If the value is "99" he gets one point for every €99 spent in your shop.


1 point =: This means how much one point is worth in money. So if the setting is €0.5 and the costumer has 14 points, these points equal a voucher value of "€7".
Validity period of a point: How long the point is valid for. If this value is for example 10, then the costumer can only use this point within 10 days from the point in time where this point got given to him.
Voucher details: Name of the voucher appearing in cart and frontoffice.
Minimum amount in which the voucher can be used: If the costumer wants to use the voucher, the order he applies this voucher to, has to be at least of the value specified in this field.
The rest should be self explaining hopefully :) if not I extend here tomorrow. Just really tired now.
Good night
Edited by thepan (see edit history)
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Thank you, I noticed the loyalty rewards on the same link after. Thank you very much for the explanation, I was actual on point,but then ratio started to confuse me.


Ratio  is $10 : 1 point

1 point = 0.25cent


So for every $10 customer spends he gets 1 point which = 0.25


So if I have a product that cost $65, 65/10=6




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