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how customer password is updated


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Hi all,


I'm still digging in the source code, and there is something I can't understand.


This is about updating the customer's password.


I know that is happen in the identity controller (index.php?controller=identity)


And when I read he IdentityController.php source code, I have :


elseif (!Tools::getIsset('old_passwd') || (Tools::encrypt($old_passwd) != $this->context->cookie->passwd))
$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The password you entered is incorrect.');
elseif (Tools::getValue('passwd') != Tools::getValue('confirmation'))
$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('The password and confirmation do not match.');
Well, ok, I see that are the password verification, but then I don't see explicitally where the password is updated.



what I see is :


	if (Tools::getValue('passwd'))
					$this->context->cookie->passwd = $this->customer->passwd;
				if ($this->customer->update())
Well the cookie is updated but I don't see the $this->customer->passwd updated..


Which part of code am I missing ?


Thanks in advance,



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Well, this part is done in customer->validateController():

	// Merge all errors of this file and of the Object Model
	$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $this->customer->validateController());

You don't see an explicit customer->passwd because this is taken from the $_POST array based on fields definition of Customer object.


It is always a good idea to use ppp or ddd PS functions to see the exact values:

	// Merge all errors of this file and of the Object Model
	$this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $this->customer->validateController());

ppp is just to print_r the object and ddd to stop the code (die).

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