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Module's override are not correctly installed


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Hello everyone,


I'm currently developping modules for prestashop and I use override to extend core classes.

But sometimes, when I try to install a module that has overrides, I get PHP errors in the file that is located in the "override" folder of prestashop. When I look in this file I see that the code it contains is totally messed up.


Here's an example:


This is the file in the folder 'override/controllers/front' of my module


class Customer extends CustomerCore
	/** @var int Object avatar number */
	public $avatar_num;

	public function __construct( $id = null )
		self::$definition[ 'fields' ][ 'avatar_num' ] = array( 'type' => self::TYPE_INT );

		parent::__construct( $id );

	public function getGenderName()
		$genders = Gender::getGenders();
		foreach ( $genders as $gender )
			if( $gender->id == $this->id_gender )
				return $gender->name;

	public function getChildren()
		$sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_child`
				WHERE `customer_id` = \''.(int)$this->id.'\'
				ORDER BY `id` ASC';
		return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS( $sql );

	 * Retrieve customers displayName (aka firstanme lastname)
	 * @static
	 * @param $id
	 * @return array
	public static function getCustomersDisplayNameById($id)
		$sql = 'SELECT CONCAT( `firstname` , \' \', `lastname` ) AS displayName
				FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer`
				WHERE `id_customer` = \''.pSQL($id).'\'

		return Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql);

And then, this is what I get in the folder 'override/controllers/front' of prestashop.

class Customer extends CustomerCore
	/** @var int Object avatar number */

	 * Retrieve customers displayName (aka firstanme lastname)
	 * @static
	 * @param $id
	 * @return array

Do you see anything wrong in my code ?


Thank you in advance for your help !

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