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[SOLVED] add flash - how u make path in Prestashop

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hellow how can i add my won flash in presta ( dont use module)
i try
<object id="Movie2.swf" width="730" height="181" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="Movie2.swf" style="visibility: visible;">

<embed width="730" height="181" align="middle" src="Movie2.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" name="lcs" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" allowfullscreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer_pl"/>


and etc. and i think my path is bad so where i must put my flash ??
i try too {$img_dir}icon/MOvie2.swf ( and many more) but was this same problem why? presta block swf or what?

please help me :)

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Where are you trying to add the Flash? You can add it to a CMS page, for example, by going to Tools > CMS, editing a page, then clicking the "Insert / edit embedded media" film strip icon on the "Page content" toolbar, then enter the Flash URL and dimensions and other settings on the Advanced tab, then click Insert.

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{$img_dir}icon/Movie2.swf should work for you if the file is in that directory. If it isn't working for you, you could try {$base_dir}themes/prestashop/img/icon/Movie2.swf, where prestashop is the directory of your theme. Perhaps the path is right, but the Flash code is wrong? You could try following my instructions above and see whether your Flash file works on a CMS page. If it does, you can click on the HTML button to view the source code and see what it generated and try entering that in your header.tpl.

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  • 2 weeks later...
{$img_dir}icon/Movie2.swf should work for you if the file is in that directory. If it isn't working for you, you could try {$base_dir}themes/prestashop/img/icon/Movie2.swf, where prestashop is the directory of your theme. Perhaps the path is right, but the Flash code is wrong? You could try following my instructions above and see whether your Flash file works on a CMS page. If it does, you can click on the HTML button to view the source code and see what it generated and try entering that in your header.tpl.

I there, i have tried out your help but somehow it does not chage my logo to an logo in swf, can you please give me " a picture"? Thanks a lot for your help to all of us, regards
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Go to Tools > CMS, edit a page, click on the "Film" icon in the first screen to display the Flash dialogue box. Enter the path to the Flash file under "File/URL", enter the Flash file's dimensions, click the Advanced tab if you want to set more Flash options, then click the Insert button.

Once you've done this, click the HTML icon in the second screenshot to display the HTML dialogue box. Copy the part of the code from <object> to </object> and copy that code into your header.tpl.



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Go to Tools > CMS, edit a page, click on the "Film" icon in the first screen to display the Flash dialogue box. Enter the path to the Flash file under "File/URL", enter the Flash file's dimensions, click the Advanced tab if you want to set more Flash options, then click the Insert button.

Once you've done this, click the HTML icon in the second screenshot to display the HTML dialogue box. Copy the part of the code from <object> to </object> and copy that code into your header.tpl.

I think i´m near to put in my logo .jpg the flash i have, only please one more help, i have in my header.tpl from my theme this code in the header:
"<!-- Header -->



<!-- Left -" so i have tried to change but still not uploading the flash, can you please only one more time tell me what i really have to chenge? Tha all header, or only the source? The code generate for html is this: "

<object width="503" height="91" data="www.prinfor.com.pt/publico/themes/prestashop/header.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">


" what part i insert and substitute in the original header.tpl, sorry for my idiotice, i´m trying and trying and the flash is not showing up, thanks a lot, and community, please put your eyes in this, this what people that want to help do, Thanks a lot
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Try replacing line 46 of header.tpl with this:

<object width="503" height="91" data="{$base_dir}themes/prestashop/header.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></h1>

then change the h1#logo section in themes/prestashop/css/global.css to:

h1#logo {
   float: left;
   width: 503px;
   padding-top: 10px;
   height: 91px;
   overflow: hidden;

This is the CSS code I used on my website. You may need to adapt it for your needs.

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Try replacing line 46 of header.tpl with this:

<object width="503" height="91" data="{$base_dir}themes/prestashop/header.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></h1>

then change the h1#logo section in themes/prestashop/css/global.css to:

h1#logo {
   float: left;
   width: 503px;
   padding-top: 10px;
   height: 91px;
   overflow: hidden;

This is the CSS code I used on my website. You may need to adapt it for your needs.

Thanks one more time for your help, i have change all like you say but it still not working, i think my site have something for i cant put it right, thanks for your time but i give up, i dont know what more to do, by the way the site is www.prinfor.com.pt/publico, thanks a lot for your time, regrads
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  • 1 month later...
Try replacing line 46 of header.tpl with this:

<object width="503" height="91" data="{$base_dir}themes/prestashop/header.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></h1>

then change the h1#logo section in themes/prestashop/css/global.css to:

h1#logo {
   float: left;
   width: 503px;
   padding-top: 10px;
   height: 91px;
   overflow: hidden;

This is the CSS code I used on my website. You may need to adapt it for your needs.

Hi Rocky, I need your help, I've done everything that you said, so it's works perfectly in Firefox and Opera, but when I try to see it in Internet Explorer I've got a big problem. My page doesn't load correctly, it doesn't display nothing but the background image. Do you know why this problem is hapenning?

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  • 2 years later...

i was trying to upload flash file in home text editor from past 3 days. but solution is like drinking coke...lol

it takes no coding thing...



module--> front office--> home text editor--> there on text box there are many tools --> click on insert/edit media icon its on second last trip n in right side-->there u can do following things:-


1) insert the url of ur flash file

2) change the background color of the area where flash comes

3) change the size of the flash file displayed

4) other quality related issues..


hope users like me will get benefited from this.. :-)


ankit goel

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