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CSV Import - Multiple combinations same image Override Sought


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Ok so i run an online lingerie store. I have set up product and combination import files for my products. I have a problem that might be particular to my specific use case.


Let's take a hypothetical Brassiere. It may come in 10 colors and 15 sizes. That's 150 different combinations. But there are only 10 colors. If i create a combination file with the product images what happens is that the same image is downloaded and applied 15 times for each color.

This increases import time and storage required by a factor of 15. My import file has >50,000 rows so this isn't really a trivial amount.


What i'm looking for is a modification to the combinations import that won't upload the same product image url multiple times for the same color attribute.

Attached you will find some import example files.




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