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xml feed discount price


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Hi all, i have this script for xml feed. But i need also total price with discount.


Any idea how change this script? :(

I need price with discount here <PRICE_VAT>13590</PRICE_VAT>

Here is the result http://sirer.cz/utils/heureka.php


require 'dibi.php';

    'driver' => 'mysqli',
    'host' => '',
    'username' => '',
    'password' => '',
    'database' => '',
    'charset' => 'utf8',
    'lazy' => 'true',

ini_set("display_errors", 1);

//Definice hlavičky XML souboru
header("Content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>";
    // Výpis produktů v XML formátu pro Zboží.cz

    $produkty = dibi::select('*')
        ->where('active = %i', 1)
        ->where('cover = %i', 1)
        ->where('id_lang = %i', 2)
        ->where('price > %i', 10)

    foreach ($produkty as $pro) {

        $cat = dibi::select('id_category_default')
            ->where('id_product = %i', $pro['id_product'])

        $catname = dibi::select('name')
            ->where('id_category = %i', $cat)

      /* if($cat==3225)$catname = 'Auto-moto |  Autodoplňky |  Autobaterie';*/
        /* if($cat==4)$catname = 'Elektronika |  Baterie |  Olověné baterie';
        if($cat==5)$catname = 'Auto-moto | Příslušenství pro motocykly | Baterie pro motocykly';
        if($cat==8)$catname = 'Auto-moto | Autodoplňky | Nabíječky a startovací boxy';
        if($cat==9)$catname = 'Auto-moto | Autodoplňky | Nabíječky a startovací boxy';*/

        $desc = str_replace('<h2>', '', $pro['description']);
        $desc = str_replace('</h2>', '', $desc);
        $desc = str_replace('&nbsp', '', $desc);
        $cesta = chunk_split($pro['id_image'], "1", "/"); // vypíše ''

            $svat = $pro['price'] * 1.21;
            $svat = $pro['price'] * 1.15;
            $svat = $pro['price'];

        $svat = round($svat);


                echo '<VAT>21</VAT>';
                echo '<VAT>15</VAT>';
                echo '<VAT>21</VAT>';


    <? }?>
Edited by tozi (see edit history)
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