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Keeping image names for products, categories, etc.


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By default, every image name is like: #-home_default.xyz, etc. which is not very SEO friendly.


Is there a way to set PrestaShop to keep the image names (eg.: audi_a4_black_5door.jpg -> audi_a4_black_5door-home_default.jpg) of the products, etc. after upload?

Or can I set something to regenerate images with the help of a certain scheme?


Thanks in advance.




Edited by tUb26 (see edit history)
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I think more important is alt arttibute. Look at explanation from SEO Quake:


ALT text (ALT attribute) does not appear for many of your images.

We suggest adding ALT text to your images so that it's easier for search engines to index them.

Search engines don't physically see images the way people do. ALT text is an option that allows you to specifically describe the image.

ALT text attaches a description to your pictures so that they show up in Google™ and other search engine's image results.

Make sure your website images have their own specific ALT text.

To find out how to assign ALT text to your images, click here.

Keep in mind that your pages load time will vary based on the number and size of your images. Try your best to keep it low.

Here’s a tip: You can see the past designs of any website by using The Wayback Machine.

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  • 7 months later...

Hello all,


how can i make the alt tag names to imagenames,

cause until now in my present shopsystem i give every image an other imagename, it means one product with 10 images are 10 different filenames.

This is great for google image search.

I don t want to loose this.


Thats why i am looking for a possibility to take the alt tag names as image names.

Where are the imagenames generated, please ?


best regards


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