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Whats wrong with these modification to a plugin


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I saw that it already had an auto updated (currency exchange) for BTC and DOGE so I decided to see if I could update it to also allow "Stellar" to be auto updated.


I looked over this code twice and don't think there is anything wrong with it yet I get the following errors in prestashop.


2 errors 
cryptocurrency (parse error in /modules/cryptocurrency/cryptocurrency.php)
cryptocurrency (class missing in /modules/cryptocurrency/cryptocurrency.php)


Here is my cryptocurrency.php



Thank you for all your help

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        //update btc conversion rate if the user loads a page and has btc as current currency
        public function hookHeader($params){
                        $stellar_code = 'STELLAR';
                        $cart_currency = $this->context->cart->id_currency;
                        $stellar_currency_id = Db::getInstance()->executeS('
                                SELECT `id_currency`
                                FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency`
                                WHERE `iso_code`=\''.$stellar_code.'\'');
                        if($stellar_currency_id && $stellar_currency_id[0]['id_currency']==$cart_currency){
                                //some code snippets taken from bitcointicker module
                                $default_currency = new Currency(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'));
                                $response = file_get_contents('http://coinmarketcap-nexuist.rhcloud.com/api/str');
                                $object = json_decode($response);
                                        $curr = strtolower($default_currency->iso_code);//'USD';
                                        //$rate = $object->$curr->{'last'};
                                        $rate = $object->{'price'}->$curr;
                                        $rate_default = 1.0/floatval($rate);
                                        $rate_default_str = trim(sprintf("%.6f", $rate_default));
                                        //update conversion_rate on currency table
                                        $query='UPDATE IGNORE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency`
                                                SET `conversion_rate` = \''.$rate_default_str.'\'
                                                WHERE `iso_code` = \''.$stellar_code.'\'';
                                        $return = Db::getInstance()->Execute($query);
                                        //update conversion_rate in currency_shop table too
                                        $curr_id = strval($stellar_currency_id[0]['id_currency']);
                                        $query2='UPDATE IGNORE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency_shop`
                                                SET `conversion_rate` = \''.$rate_default_str.'\'
                                                WHERE `id_currency`=\''.$curr_id.'\'';
                                        $return = Db::getInstance()->Execute($query2);

this code is out of class brackets

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        //update btc conversion rate if the user loads a page and has btc as current currency
        public function hookHeader($params){
                        $stellar_code = 'STELLAR';
                        $cart_currency = $this->context->cart->id_currency;
                        $stellar_currency_id = Db::getInstance()->executeS('
                                SELECT `id_currency`
                                FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency`
                                WHERE `iso_code`=\''.$stellar_code.'\'');
                        if($stellar_currency_id && $stellar_currency_id[0]['id_currency']==$cart_currency){
                                //some code snippets taken from bitcointicker module
                                $default_currency = new Currency(Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'));
                                $response = file_get_contents('http://coinmarketcap-nexuist.rhcloud.com/api/str');
                                $object = json_decode($response);
                                        $curr = strtolower($default_currency->iso_code);//'USD';
                                        //$rate = $object->$curr->{'last'};
                                        $rate = $object->{'price'}->$curr;
                                        $rate_default = 1.0/floatval($rate);
                                        $rate_default_str = trim(sprintf("%.6f", $rate_default));
                                        //update conversion_rate on currency table
                                        $query='UPDATE IGNORE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency`
                                                SET `conversion_rate` = \''.$rate_default_str.'\'
                                                WHERE `iso_code` = \''.$stellar_code.'\'';
                                        $return = Db::getInstance()->Execute($query);
                                        //update conversion_rate in currency_shop table too
                                        $curr_id = strval($stellar_currency_id[0]['id_currency']);
                                        $query2='UPDATE IGNORE `'._DB_PREFIX_.'currency_shop`
                                                SET `conversion_rate` = \''.$rate_default_str.'\'
                                                WHERE `id_currency`=\''.$curr_id.'\'';
                                        $return = Db::getInstance()->Execute($query2);

this code is out of class brackets



Sorry, what do you mean with "class brackets"

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structure of well coded module looks like:

class ModuleName extends Module {
  // code of module
  public function doSomething(){

your code looks like:

class ModuleName extends Module {
  // code of module

  public function doSomething(){

as you can see public function doSomething() is outside


class ModuleName extends Module {




all module functions must be inside class, not outside

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