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PrestaSearch : Find the PrestaShop module you need


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Hi everyone,


I have created a new service, called PrestaSearch, which is a search engine of PrestaShop modules.


You will be able to find all the modules available on the official marketplace, on the several available marketplaces, and on the developers shops.


This site is here to help you find the module you need:

 - You can search by name or functionality of the module.

 - You can decide to display results by language, price and ratings


The site is available on PrestaSearch.com/en/

You can also follow the project on twitter @prestasearch


Do not hesitate to do a feedback if you see a bug or if you have ideas to improve the service.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,


A little post to let you know that PrestaSearch, the first search engine of PrestaShop modules, is becoming better and better each day.

Results are more and more relevant and you can now sort results by languages. French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian.


If you need a module, come and test it.


The site is still available on PrestaSearch.com/en/

You can also follow the project on twitter @prestasearch



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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,


A new update about PrestaSearch.


Searchs are now handled by the excellent solution Algolia which allows an ultra-fast instant search.

You still can sort the results by rating, price and lang.


Moreover, it's now possible to order results by rating (from the best one to the worst one or the opposite) and by price (from the lowest to the highest or the opposite.


It's now easier and faster to find the module you're looking for. Come and test the service


The site is still available on PrestaSearch.com/en/

You can also follow the project on twitter @prestasearch



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