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Cart rule voucher calculation issue

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I'm testing PS to replace my running shop 1.4.8 and now I noticed an issue with the cart rule( vouchers) calculation. I've created a cart rule of $20 off $75 and in cart instead of getting $20 off the total I'm getting $21.86. How Prestashop calculated this I have no idea. If anyone else is having same issues and a solution please let me know.


Here's a screenshot:



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Well the thing is I have same setup on 1.4.8 and works just fine. Now in PS it calculates in a different way and don't understand why. I also wanted to use BOGO voucher but there's no way for me to get it to work... Anyway to fix this issue with car rule ?

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OK. Now I've noticed that if I have in cart products without being signed in or just as guest, the voucher $10 off $50 works fine in cart. It displays $10 off.  


If I sign in with user with address where taxes are added the voucher adds more tot the $10 discount and I dont understand why.


here are 2 snapshots:


This is when guest adds products in cart and the voucher is $10 discount (as it should be):



This is when user is signed in with address where taxes are added voucher changes value:




Can someone take a look please and find a solution to this wrong calculation of the cart rule (voucher)?



EDIT: ok after some time I realized that actually prestashop adds tax 9.25% (which is tax rate setup in products) to the discount either that is calculated by dollar amount or percent. ie $10 discount ( if user is in state where tax is added discount gets tax added which is wrong) becomes $10.925.

Where I can change this calculation NOT to add tax on the discount??

Edited by misu3108 (see edit history)
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Ok I found the SOLUTION for this calculation it's my fault I did not really pay attention. It was very easy. In the cart rules in the ACTION TAB make sure you select TAX INCLUDED for the dollar amount that you want to have as a discount. and that's it! it calculates exactly as I wanted.


here's the screenshot:



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