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I can't receive new order, customer notification email

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Hi all,


I set up email information(imap & smtp and successfully past the testing email. Even customer leave me comment in "contact us" page, I also can get the email and reply it in BO.


However, I can't get notification email about order or new member registered. Please help!!



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well you have the module, it's not sending is difficult to debug with info


set errors to display in ps, config/defines.inc.php


define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);


test order to see if any errors



if no luck, then uninstall and re-install, then check hook for order confirmation, move the hook position above other modules for that position.



if no luck, are you using 'from' email (shop email) of your shops domain name?  then it's possible the email is stuck in your mail server.

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well you have the module, it's not sending is difficult to debug with info


set errors to display in ps, config/defines.inc.php


define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);


test order to see if any errors



if no luck, then uninstall and re-install, then check hook for order confirmation, move the hook position above other modules for that position.



if no luck, are you using 'from' email (shop email) of your shops domain name?  then it's possible the email is stuck in your mail server.



I just try to uninstall and reinstall the Mail Alert module but the still can't get email :wacko:

May i know what is mean :

set errors to display in ps, config/defines.inc.php


define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);


test order to see if any errors

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btw. what kind of email method you use? you said that you tested smtp, so you use smtp probably...

you can check it under preferences >mail tab in back office.


you receive other emails? for example from contact form?

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i just test use english to place new order in English version. it is ok. I can get notice and the customer account also give email about order confirmation as well. But if the customer use Chinese-TW, customer and i also get no email.


Please help!

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that is usually  a result of not having the xlatioin for that language.


back office-->localization-->translations-->emails-->select core-->select the language


translate the email to the language...


fingers crossed (I don't know why I didnt think of that..doh!)  generally when an email is not sent, it many times caused by not having that email template xlated. 

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it happen the other Error : /home/thinkact/public_html/mails/tw/newsletter_conf.html cannot be copied to /home/thinkact/public_html/themes/default-bootstrap/mails/tw/newsletter_conf.html


i check in my ftp, in default-bootstap/   , no mails folder

Edited by roylam (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

Hi El Patron,


 i have the same problem with roylam, but when i enable error display. i got this message


"Field 'date_upd' doesn't have a default value" when

INSERT INTO `pss_customer_message` (`id_employee`, `id_customer_thread`, `ip_address`, `message`, `file_name`, `user_agent`, `private`, `date_add`, `read`)

values ( blablabla...)


what i supposed to do? Thanks for your help. :)

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  • 3 months later...


i have this same issue and have tried many many things from uninstalling and re-installing and configure the module to send test from Advanced parameters > Email and no it didnt work but it seems as though the issue is with the hosting provider Godaddy cos i learnt they use some kinda weird smtp setup!


Now trust me i have contacted Godaddy on this and i was thrown right back @ prestashop. Guys please help me out here! Is there a fix of some sort or some other way to get round this with my hosting provider. This is the most important feature of my ecommerce site and i have a very very short time to get it working!




Thanks (URGENT)

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