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HELP: Prestashop Facebook Open Graph Tags Problem Facebook, Google , Pininterest Share!

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I use prestashop 1.606 version


my website is www.asia-sale.com



to make the share buttons work i bough and installed this module:



right now the meta tags in my frontpage work! (www.asia-sale.com)


but i need to make the product share work, and also google share and pininterest share.

there i see no image displayed.


i tryed to look up facebook debugger.. and i see several og failure messages.


for example i want to be able to share this product:




i hope you experts can help me here :) 


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i replied to your email :-)


here are the contents:



this module creates open graph tags for facebook share.
usually to see changes on facebook you have to wait some time unitl
facebook crawler visit your website once again.

can you show me example of product that "doenst" work on facebook?
i will inspect it and crawl it with facebook crawler 
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i checked your product


on your website i see doubled open graph tags




please remove duplicated tags.

use only one module that adds these tags, otherwise you will wtill have problems that you have right now

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ow wow.. i dont know how this happend..


here is my header tpl - i hope you can tell me what i should change


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i think this is very complicated.. maybe its easier i give you my login? your help would be highly appreciated


yea! this is that what im waiting for ;)

support at mypresta dot eu or just send me PM


i will do the rest :-)

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