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[SOLVED!] 500 internal server error on /psadmin/ after update to CAN'T LOG IN!

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I just backed up and upgraded from to and not I CAN'T LOG IN to /psadmin/. It just displays a 500 internal server error message.


Here's what I've done:

-backed up everything

-disabled store

-made sure upgrade checklist was green across the board

-Used 1-click upgrade module

-upgraded and got the "Upgrade Sucessful" message

-closed all browsers

-reopened browsers and checked my front office url (which enables my ip to view) It looks ok, some minor errors that need to be tweaked with code.

-Went to mywebsite.com/psadmin/ and it displays the 500 error

-cleared all cahche

-checked from multiple browsers(firefox/safari), still 500 error


I had my site in testing mode so it can be viewed by my ip on the front office. Unfortunately I can not log into the back office at all. Please help me solve this issue!


My site is:




My host is:


-Just checked my sites root folder and all prestashop folders are set to "755" permissions and the .tpl .php and .htaccess files are set to "644" if that makes a difference.


Edited by oldmoneybrand (see edit history)
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Used this trick from swcoins:


"To fix this go to /classes/controller/admincontroller.php


Change line 3101:

$fields = $class::$definition['fields'];




$fields = $class->$definition['fields'];"


-logged into my host

-found file

-downloaded file

-edited with text wrangler application

-saved and replaced old file with new


Edited by oldmoneybrand (see edit history)
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