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probleme après mise à jour

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je viens d'effectuer la mise à jour de ma boutique vers dans le but d'installer un nouveau template.

j'ai réalisé la mise à jour avec 1 clic upgrade mis à part les quelques messages d'erreurs suivant, mon backoffice fonctionne parfaitement mais par contre mon front office ne fonctionne pas du tout et il m'est impossible d'utiliser le template par defaut ni celui que j'avais précédement.


SQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_product_tax_rules_group_shop` (`id_product`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT `id_product`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop` FROM `store_product`, `store_shop`): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_carrier_tax_rules_group_shop` (`id_carrier`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT `id_carrier`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop` FROM `store_carrier`, `store_shop`): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in ALTER TABLE `store_shop` CHANGE `id_group_shop` `id_shop_group` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL: Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_attribute_shop` (`id_attribute`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_attribute, c.id_shop FROM store_attribute_group_shop a LEFT JOIN store_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN store_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_feature_shop` (`id_feature`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_feature, c.id_shop FROM store_feature_group_shop a LEFT JOIN store_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN store_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_group_shop` (`id_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_group, c.id_shop FROM store_group_group_shop a LEFT JOIN store_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN store_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_attribute_group_shop` (`id_attribute_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_attribute_group, c.id_shop FROM store_attribute_group_group_shop a LEFT JOIN store_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN store_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_tax_rules_group_shop` (`id_tax_rules_group`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_tax_rules_group, c.id_shop FROM store_tax_rules_group_group_shop a LEFT JOIN store_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN store_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_zone_shop` (`id_zone`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_zone, c.id_shop FROM store_zone_group_shop a LEFT JOIN store_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN store_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_manufacturer_shop` (`id_manufacturer`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_manufacturer, c.id_shop FROM store_manufacturer_group_shop a LEFT JOIN store_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN store_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't existSQL 1146 in INSERT INTO `store_supplier_shop` (`id_supplier`, `id_shop`) (SELECT a.id_supplier, c.id_shop FROM store_supplier_group_shop a LEFT JOIN store_shop_group b ON a.id_group_shop = b.id_shop_group INNER JOIN store_shop c ON b.id_shop_group = c.id_shop_group): Table 'jdaintnockon.store_shop' doesn't exist [ERROR] PHP /* PHP:add_default_restrictions_modules_groups(); */ Warning detected during upgrade.

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