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Cannot connect to Office 365 SMTP

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Hi all

Due to some abuse on my VPS, the IP address was blacklisted for mail.


I had to move all my mail over to a dedicated server so I chose office 365 as I have used it before and it's fantastic.


When I set up the SMTP, I get an error.


I have read that this is due to PS using a very old version of Swift Mailer.


Is there any fix to this as yet please?

Thanks in advance!

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I have reported the issue to PS and they refuse to fix it properly by including the latest version of Swift Mailer. 


Therefore I have released a modification package that provides the latest version of Swift Mailer, as well as the necessary patch files to utilize it.

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Hi yes I purchased your module.  I am using


I uploaded mail.php from the v1.6.0.5 directory (the only file in there) and also the new Swift510 directory to my tools directory.


With my normal SMTP server, I get the error:


"Error: Please check your configuration

When I change back to my old Mail.php, the mail goes through absolutely fine.

I did try Office 365 and got this:


Error: Please check your configuration
Failed to authenticate on SMTP server with username "REDACTED" using 1 possible authenticators


I can connect to the SMTP server through Outlook with the exact same settings (TLS, Port 587 etc)




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