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Good morning


What a wonderful site, everything looks great, very jealous.


I did find a couple of things though:


The add to cart pop-up shows this  http://screencast.com/t/c8bnidDbjg


Translations in the footer need a bit of attention, change the language above your logo and then look at the footer, anyway here is a sample when using English



Hope this helps



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Good morning


What a wonderful site, everything looks great, very jealous.


I did find a couple of things though:


The add to cart pop-up shows this  http://screencast.com/t/c8bnidDbjg


Translations in the footer need a bit of attention, change the language above your logo and then look at the footer, anyway here is a sample when using English



Hope this helps



Hi Poul,

thanks a lot.

i fixed now. your eyes realy good ;)


this post realy help me for facebook plugins language.

Edited by safa (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Hello there,


Good job with the design, i currently have a similar project to your site and since you are waaaaay more expert in this than me, i have a question for you "if you dont mind"  :)


How did you made a different categories and filters for each brand? <---- I would love to know!!


Or did you make a root category for each page (i.e Men, Women, Accessories,...etc) then added filters for brands? 

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Hello there,


Good job with the design, i currently have a similar project to your site and since you are waaaaay more expert in this than me, i have a question for you "if you dont mind"  :)


How did you made a different categories and filters for each brand? <---- I would love to know!!


Or did you make a root category for each page (i.e Men, Women, Accessories,...etc) then added filters for brands? 

thanks for feedback .

it's default "Block Layered Navigation" Module .



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I like the site looks nice and clean. Can you please tell me how you were able to get the search and cart to show up on the top. Did you remove the display top or are they in there?

I want to do something similar with my store.


it's paid theme and search and cart navigation it's theme default settings.

theme name"leo fashion store" i edited theme but i never edit search and cart block.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again, can you please explain more because i'm a newbie at prestashop and i have no idea how to set the block layered navigation module. Thanks.

no problem.

please watch this video.

you will be understand.



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You should have someone proof read for spelling mistakes and such. Preferably someone who has experience with copy writing as you could probably also benefit a lot from more "meatier" product descriptions. And I don't get the slogan? Don't you mean "The key to fashion" instead?


But all in all the site looks really good. I'd loose the slider on the front page though - I'm pretty sure it's been scientifically proven that the only people who likes those thing are web designers and website owners :)


Oh and if I have to be completely honest, I'm not a huge fan of your logo or the "New Collections - Designer's hand" thing you have at the top - I'm thinking you really don't need a logo? Why not ditch the top banner along with the slider and then move the crawler with the brands up where people will see it?

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Hello again :)


Another question if you dont mind.


How did you manage to put all the manufacturers under the brand link in the menu?


By using the megamenu i can only link 1 manufacturer, how did you manage to put the full list of manufacturers?


Thank you on advance.

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