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database table not updating on form submit


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Hi people,


I'm trying to update a database table by submitting a form.


I have a template file which has a simple html form.

<form action="insert.php" method="post">
Request Details: <input type="text" name="request_details_form">
<input type="submit">

When I submit the form I run the following code in my insert.php

      $name = Tools::getValue('request_details_form');
      Db::getInstance()->insert('custom_order', array(
      'id_custom_order' => (int) 1,
      'request_details' => pSQL($name),

header('Location: http://www.banditbirds.co.uk');

I'm using the Tools::getValue instead of $_POST. But when I submit the form, it's not updating the data in the database table.


Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?


It also then directs me to the 404 page. Reading another forum post, I was hoping I could direct the user to the home page using the above 'header()'.


Is there a better way of doing this?



Thanks a lot guys,



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I think you should comment out the redirect link and try again.

Post and redirect are competing server side with re-direction winning but in the end you get 404 because actually php headers have already been submitted with post request so neither of the two executes.


A  way to accomplish both  is to call the db function through ajax request and after result is returned to client, redirect using javascript. 


Using Jquery:


function (result){



myfunction.php contains the server side thing that probably would echo back some conditional variable indicating success or failure of function.

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Thanks for the advice!


I may have misunderstood, but this is what I've tried:


display.tpl :

Welcome to the Shop!

<form action="insert.php" method="post">
Request Details: <input type="text" name="request_details_form">
<input type="submit">

insert.php :



function (result){



linked to myfunction.php :

$name = Tools::getValue('request_details_form');
Db::getInstance()->insert('custom_order', array(
'id_custom_order' => (int) 1,
'request_details' => pSQL($name),

I'm still getting a 404 page error. But I was getting this even before I put in the db code...I think it's something to do with submitting the form on the display.tpl


Any ideas??


Thanks again!



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        Welcome to the Shop!

<form >
Request Details: <input type="text" id="request_details_form" >
<input type="submit" id="submit">


{literal} //used to distinguish Js scripts from smarty template scripts.
$('#submit').click(function(){  //triggers when submit button is clicked
var name=$('#request_details_form').val(); //gets the text field value
$.post("insert.php",{name:name},   //sends the text field data to insert.php 

function (result){   //executes only if data are successfully submited and processed by insert.php

//result variable takes the value of insert.php output e.g 
//if insert.php ends with echo "ok" result will be "ok"
//so you could use: if(result=='ok'){ ...code here..}.
//For now in order to redirect unconditionally use straight:



What this does is post data to the server function and executes redirection after it has been executed.

Pay attention there have to be id's in the elements. Also i noticed now that in your previous implementation you didnt define a name="submit"  to your submit button which is the reason that the form post wasn't triggered.

Now form doesnt need to have any method and action as long data are posted via ajax (in fact you don't need to have a form element at all).


Next, all you need is insert.php



$name = Tools::getValue('name'); //gets the value 'name' submited on .tpl
Db::getInstance()->insert('custom_order', array(
'id_custom_order' => (int) 1,
'request_details' => pSQL($name),

//whatever you echo here assigns value to the result variable on .tpl function(result)

Hope it works for you

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the help, and the explanations netplayer. Much appreciated.


I tried your examples.


It did re-direct correctly after submitting the form...but it hasn't inserted the data in my database :/


Have you got any ideas why this isn't happening? Or how I can debug it?





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Thanks netplayer!


I took the code from the documentation:

$target = Tools::getValue('id');

$name = Tools::getValue('name');
Db::getInstance()->insert('target_table', array(
    'id_target' => (int)$target,
    'name'      => pSQL($name),

Their comment regarding pSQL:

Make sure that your data is always checked and protected when doing an insertion. 
In our example, we want to make sure that we do have an integer with an explicit (int) cast, 
and that the name is protected against SQL injections thanks to the pSQL() method.

'id_custom_order' I want to be an auto-incremented Id, so I'm thinking I shouldn't be inserting this with the array anyway? Or do I need to keep it in the array...but with a blank value?


I've set the field to AUTO_INCREMENT on the Db.


Without the pSQL method, I guess I should be able to just use:

$name = Tools::getValue('name');
Db::getInstance()->insert('custom_order', array(
'request_details' => $name,

Thanks again!!


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Hi bandit,


You can use insert query like this :


 $variablename1 = "INSERT INTO`"._DB_PREFIX_."your table name` (`column1`,`column2` etc)  VALUES('{$variable1}','{variable}'); ";

$variable2name = Db::getInstance()->Execute($variablename1);


you can also use die() to check the query has executed properly

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Thanks karthik!


I tried this, but it still doesn't work. I don't even get the error message from the die(). I wonder if the .tpl is not loading the php code at all?

$name = Tools::getValue('name');
$variablename1 = "INSERT INTO`"._DB_PREFIX_."custom_order` ('request_details`)  VALUES('{$name}'); ";
if (!Db::getInstance()->execute($variablename1))
    die('Error etc.)';


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Hi karthik,


Here is my code, php:

$name = Tools::getValue('name');
$variablename1 = "INSERT INTO`"._DB_PREFIX_."custom_order` ('request_details`)  VALUES('{$name}'); ";
if (!Db::getInstance()->execute($variablename1))
    die('Error etc.)';

Which is being called from my tpl:

Please enter you custom request details here:

<form >
Request Details: <input type="text" id="request_details" >

<input type="submit" id="submit">


          var name=$('#request_details').val();
          $.post("insert.php",{name:name},function (result){   

And here is my table - custom_order (image attached)







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Thanks for the reply.


My tpl file is in:




And yes, I'm generating a module using the tutorial from prestashop.


Am I using your form statement to replace the script? For example:

Please enter your custom request details here:

<form name="formname" method="post" action="{$link->getModuleLink(blockquote,'insert.php')}" >
Request Details: <input type="text" id="request_details_form" >

<input type="submit" id="submit">


And I'd have to go back to getting my name variable in insert.php from the form:


$name = Tools::getValue('request_details_form');



If the above is correct, then it's still not working. And with this I don't have the redirect to the home page( from the script function).


Edited by banditbirds (see edit history)
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